Mission:Power of the Mind - Part Three: Always Remember Mother
Part Three: Always Remember Mother
I was foolish to think it would all be this simple. When is it ever simple, Character? Mother planned for this all along. I suppose this is what Vanessa did when she first found me.
I was able to break all the other girls off of the network. All except one. Mother has placed an aspect of herself within one seer's mind. I tried to dive into the woman's mind to clear it, but I nearly was taken back into the network in the process. I'd rather die on the spot today than go back to that 'place', Character.
- So am I supposed to mind dive into this woman?
Yes, that's exactly what you need to do. Give me a few moments to prepare myself. I'll focus my efforts to shield one of our Seers on the topside. She'll send you into the girl's mind. There, you will have to do battle with the aspect of Mother. You'll have to be prepared, Character. Mother ensures that her protections on her girls are extremely powerful.
In the meantime, I will prepare the other girls for our first test run of the psychic bombs.
Unnecessary Solicitation
What are you waiting for?
Beholder has told me your mission. Please be quick, I can only sustain this link for a short amount of time.
- Will do. (Start Mission)
Mission Objective(s)
You find yourself within the pulsing mind of one of the Seers. Echoes of voices can be heard. Up ahead you see...other seers? These must be some sort of defensive procedures installed in this woman's mind.
- Defeat the Aspect of Praetor Tilman
- Defeat incoming Seers
- Defeat the Aspect of Praetor Tilman
You've freed the mind of the final seer!
Notable NPCs
- Aspect of Praetor Tilman (Seers) (Elite Boss)
- Luckily, this is not actually Mother Mayhem, but rather the lingering psychic impression of her presence within a Seer's mind.

When the Aspect of Tilman is defeated, you're flung back into your body.
You did what I could not, Character. Part of me is jealous, the other, angry. I know now that I'll never get the chance to hand Tilman her head. No, by the time we get far enough to storm the gates of her 'hospital', I will be long dead. I suppose I can take solace in the fact that I helped you achieve this.
Our plans are almost ready, at the very least. Today, the PPD will know our pain, our power, and our ability to destroy what they hold dear.