Mission:Steven Sheridan - Appear at the science fiction convention
Appear at the science fiction convention
How would you like to take it easy for a day, Character? You've been asked to appear at a local science fiction convention, if you can believe it! The convention organizer told me they want some real life heroes there, to add a little drama. What do you say? Want to appear at the science fiction convention, be a big star?
Mission Acceptance
You better practice your Vulcan neck pinch, Character!
Unnecessary Solicitation
Those people are waiting on you, Character!
Mission Objective(s)
The plants are dead, the floor is dusty, and the fluorescent lights flicker incessantly. There's nothing going on here today, except for an ambush.
- Defeat all villains in building
- 4 people to save
You defeated the Rikti.

One of the hostages you rescued told you:
'My buddies and I, we call ourselves the Brotherhood of Our Other Selves. See, we reached out to the Rikti when no one else would. We always believed there was a way to make peace. We've been doing stuff for them, telling them about our culture, lobbying for less stringent laws restricting their technology. In return, they've been telling us about the grand Rikti culture.
The Rikti told us that you've been harassing them, that you were one of the main barriers to peace between our peoples. So we invited you here, just to hear their side of things. I guess the Rikti didn't want to talk at all, huh? They just wanted to use us to lure you into a trap. I've never felt more disillusioned in my life.'
Yeah, I've heard of the Brotherhood. It's a group composed mostly of lost souls: the confused, the lonely, those who are looking for someone in the world to connect to. Can you believe they even think the Rikti are related to human beings? You did a good work rescuing those people, Character. They may feel adrift now, but at least they have a chance at a life without illusions.