Mission:Steven Sheridan - Find the real Rikti spy
Find the real Rikti spy
Character, I've been accused of being a Rikti spy! The police won't tell me who made the accusation, but they took it seriously enough to search my apartment this morning. I swear I don't know how it got there, but they found a Rikti communicator under my mattress. Then they sent me to a lab for DNA testing, and the data came back positive. I'm being framed! My only hope is that you can find the real Rikti spy. It's probably someone over at the lab where I had the testing done. You'll have to hurry, though. You'll only have 2 hours to find him before they all go off-shift and the spy can disappear.
Mission Acceptance
This is how the Rikti work: accusing innocents to divert suspicion from the real infiltrators. Please, don't let them get away with it!
This portable blood work kit should allow you to positively identify the real spy. Just test every person in that lab.

This kit contains a small electronic device that can analyze human blood. If the sample shows Rikti characteristics, a red warning light will appear on the panel.
Unnecessary Solicitation
If you can't find the real spy soon, they'll probably move him. Then I'll never clear my name!
Mission Objective(s)
You walk through the door and hear a blast of plasma gunfire. The Rikti are here!
- Find the real Rikti spy - 2 hours timed
- 5 innocents to rescue
You uncovered the Rikti spy.

There are six technicians to rescue. One is the spy and required. The other five are innocents and optional.

'It's true, human. I did replace your friend's DNA sample. My superiors thought it would keep you from meddling; we didn't want anyone to learn how we've been using this lab. We've been analyzing human DNA so we can further our plan to bring the human population into the great Rikti society. Unfortunately for me, the Restructurists found out. They'd do anything to stop us!'
Thanks, Character, you're a good friend. I wonder who that Rikti spy meant by the Restructurists? When the Rikti attacked they seemed like a monolithic block, but maybe there's more going on than we realize. We won't find out from the one you captured, though. The Spy used some kind of incendiary implant. There's nothing but ashes left.