Mission:Steven Sheridan - Go to Crey's Folly and defeat as many Rikti as you can

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Go to Crey's Folly and defeat as many Rikti as you can


Since people learned the Rikti can impersonate humans, we've been seeing a lot of paranoia. People don't trust each other. There's even a very real threat of civilian violence! I need you to get over to Crey's Follythe Crey's Folly and defeat as many Rikti as you can. If people can see that we're on top of the Rikti situation, they'll feel a lot more secure.

Mission Acceptance

When people get scared, they do irrational things. Sometimes it's our job to protect them from their own worst impulses.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I think a bigger demonstration is in order. I need you to defeat some more Rikti, really make people feel safe.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Rikti in Crey's FollyCrey's Folly
    • Defeat 40 Rikti

You defeated enough Rikti to calm the fears of the civilian paranoia.




I just got a call from the Paragon City Free Press; they had a photographer covering your sweep through Crey's Folly. They wanted a quote about it all. I told them that as long as Character is on the job, the Rikti will never threaten our safety again. People in this town respect you, Character. Your actions have a lot of impact.