Mission:Susan Davies - Defeat the Skulls and confiscate the Superadine
Defeat the Skulls and confiscate the Superadine (1-5)
There's something I'd like you to take care of. The Skulls of Kings Row are planning to spread their Superadine drug to the streets of Atlas Park. I'm determined to see that they fail totally. I've located one of their distribution centers. I'd like you to defeat the Skulls and confiscate the Superadine. We have to keep this drug off the streets!
Mission Acceptance
So deep within Hellion territory, the Skulls will surely be ready for a fight.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You must recover all of the Superadine, or innocent citizens will suffer.
Mission Objective(s)
An acrid chemical sting assaults your senses the moment you enter the building.
- Defeat all Skulls in warehouse
- 4 drug stashes to confiscate
You defeated the Skulls and confiscated all the Superadine.

This Superadine has been packaged and is ready for distribution.
You have done an excellent job! The Skulls' distribution network has been smashed. I'll send this Superadine on to the authorities right away.