Mission:The Graveyard Shift - Chapter Four: The Fault in our Scars

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Chapter Four: The Fault in our Scars


Watkins hands you a note.

The PPD passed this message up the line to me since we're currently elbow-deep in zombie drama. Earlier today, a store owner in Skyway reported that her medical supply store was robbed by Vahzilok. Do me a favor, talk to the owner, and see if this latest problem turns up any new leads or connections. Her name is... Watkins traces through his notes looking for a name. Ah, 'Dr. Katelyn Pierce'. While you're out, I'm going to add this CMRj information into the puzzle to decode more forumspeak and plan our next move.

I know this is busy work, but any Vahzilok activity is worth pursuing right now.

This is an Investigation Mission, and your interactions with Dr. Pierce will determine the missions that occur afterwards. You may need to tell your teammates to stand by while you read.

Players can bypass the investigation with the 'I'm on a team' dialog option, which will advance to the next mission. If you want to know what you missed, you'll need to be Entrusted with the Secret and look into the Crystal.

Mission Acceptance

Thanks. If you need anything, just give me a call.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You've got a job to do right now, and so do I. I'll be in touch when something shakes loose online, and you let me know if things take a turn towards the interesting.

Mission Objective(s)

  • (Investigation Mission) Speak with Dr. Pierce about the robbery


Dr. Pierce looks at you apprehensively when you approach.

Are you Character? I'm Dr. Pierce, I called in the report on the robbery, but I apologize if I seem a little nervous - I'm used to dealing with the PPD and didn't think this would run up the ladder to the FBSA who would send a cape over to help!

  • No need to be concerned, please just tell me what happened.
Pierce's body language appears to relax a bit. You can see her organizing her thoughts for a moment before she begins.
I want to say it was about 9:15 this morning. The store was already open, but not for long. I wasn't keeping a close eye on the clock because I was searching for coffee in the breakroom to wake myself up after a long night.
I heard a weird noise; It was like a cough, a stomach growl, and a wounded animal moaning all at once. Then something metallic clinked against the ground. I immediately went out towards the sales floor - I was expecting another homeless person looking for medication for their dog, which has happened before. The Can Man used to be a frequent visitor here, and I hadn't seen him in a while, so I was not expecting to see a small group of shambling undead when I turned the corner with a smile on my face, you know?
Plerce lets out a nervous laugh and runs her left hand through her hair while shrugging.
One of them, the ones that look like deranged butchers, kept me in the corner of the shop by threatening me with a bonesaw. The handlers coordinated with each other to grab what they needed: medications, mostly. When they had what they needed, they retreated quickly without fuss. They left a mess, but no tragedies, and I'm thankful for that. The guy holding me at bay did make sure to mention that if I told anyone, they'd come back and harvest me.
Pierce seems oddly calm when telling you that.
  • I have some questions to ask you.
Pierce waits patiently for your questions.
  • What did they take, exactly?
Pierce pauses for a moment, then retrieves a list from her pocket.
This is a list of all missing product from Inventory. They took about $3500 of NSAIDs alone, but also tourniquets, sterile IV tubing, crutches, gauze pads, two walkers, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, and several suture kits. Total loss is about $9600 all together.
In my expert opinion, all these items are commonly used to triage people with severe wounds. That would be the standard fare for a combat field medic or an ER surgeon. I hope that helps you somehow.
  • NSAIDs?
Non-steroid anti-infammatory drugs. Good for reducing swelling. It seems to be the bulk of what they lifted from me, everything else seems incidental by comparison.
  • Thanks, Doc.
Investigation: NSAIDS

During your investigation, Dr. Pierce noted that the Vahzilok stole a great deal of emergency triage supplies, and NSAIDs to reduce swelling. You presume that the Vahzilok are either injured, or en route to assist another group in need of aid.

  • Do you have cameras here?
Pierce looks frustrated by the question, as if she doesn't want to admit this out loud.
The economy is rough and the rent is too high around here. I haven't had the profits to spend on replacing my CCTV DVR, which was looted 3 weeks ago in a night-time Clockwork raid along with all my doorknobs and stainless steel surgical tools. I reported that to the PPD, but they still haven't done anything about it yet. Which is why I'm confused as to how you got here in less than a day. Shows their priorities, doesn't it?
  • You've run a medical supply store with no surveillance?
Pierce looks panicked for a second, then irritated.
Business is always good, but rent is high and insurance rates in this town are understandably astronomical. Sometimes you just can't justify the expenditure when you're trying to keep the shirt on your back. I could move the whole business outside the War Walls, to somewhere like Moorestown to the west, but that's just trading my livelihood for peace and quiet. I'd have the budget for anything I need, but only a quarter of the business at best, and I'd be leaving behind my mi-
Pierce looks distracted for a moment, then finds her train of thought.
I'd be leaving the majority of my family behind. I just didn't work the budget out well enough and kept prioritizing other investments to keep the business going. I've never had this kind of problem before, so I never put it closer to the top of the shopping list. Hindsight is 20/20, as they say.
Pierce shrugs helplessly.
What about that obnoxious beeping call box by the curb? I have no idea what those things are used for anymore. Are they surveillance?
  • I'll check that out.
Investigation: Cameras

During your investigation, Dr. Pierce admitted that her shop didn't have the profits to replace her CCTV DVR after a Clockwork raid a few weeks ago. She wondered out loud if the Patrol Boxes have any kind of activity sensors. You're not sure, but you could just as well find out.

  • Did they harm you?
Pierce rubs her neck absentmindedly.
No, thankfully I wasn't hurt. But the butcher that was holding me was awfully rough on my neck. He had a strong grip and that bonesaw was intimidating as hell.
Dr. Katelyn Pierce Pierce suddenly lights up. She remembers something important!
His stench! It was odd. He didn't smell like your typical Vahzilok mix of formaldehyde and rotting skin. He smelled like freshly cut grass instead. And his breath reeked of stale beer.
  • That could be useful. Thank you for that information.
You pull out your phone and bring up the Paragon Parks and Rec website. Hide park was scheduled to be cut and raked the morning of the incident. Maybe there's something there that can point you in the right direction.
Investigation: The Park

During your investigation, Dr. Pierce remember that the Reaper who kept her hostage smelled of cut grass and stale beer. A quick search on the Paragon Parks and Rec website says that Hide Park was scheduled to be cut the morning of the incident.

  • Was anybody else in the store?
Dr. Pierce shakes her head.
I was the only person here. There were some Trolls skulking abut, but I doubt they saw anything, and if they did, I also doubt they'd be helpful.
  • I'm starting to wonder how PPD solves anything...
Investigation: Witnesses

Pierce says that there weren't any witnesses, aside from a few Trolls skulking about outside.

  • Was anything unusual about these guys?
Pierce looks at you quizzically, trying to comprehend your question.
Aside from the fact that a putrid pack of oozing corpses and their overly enthusiastic handlers wandered into my store in broad daylight to steal medicine and triage equipment? While being threatened by a butcher with a bonesaw? None of this was usual. I don't think I can answer that question with a straight face. I'm sorry, Character, do you have any other questions?
  • You never know, the only dumb question is one you don't ask.
Investigation: Dumb Question

When you got around to asking if Pierce noted anyhting unsual, she took umbrage at the unusual nature of everything and couldn't offer you an answer with a straight face.

  • Do you know which direction they went when they left?
Pierce thinks on this for a second.
I was focused pretty intently on the bonesaw for the entirety of the robbery; however, as my captor was the last to leave, taking the bonesaw with him, I can say that he exited and turned right to catch up with the horde, so that means they headed south?
I'm somewhat amused that Paragon City doesn't have some kind of big brother surveillance system in place after at least four multi-dimensional Invasions. Then again, they don't even maintain those annoying emergency boxes.
  • South, I'll add that to the list. Thanks.
Investigation: Exit, Stage Right

Dr. Pierce seems confident that the assailants turned right when they fled her building, which means they could have gone South to their destination.

  • Do you recall anything they might have said?
Pierce doesn't hesitate to answer this question.
I'm glad you asked. I've been mulling over the experience and trying to remember what I thought I heard. I know I heard them say something about the 'Rs'. I didn't get all the context, and they were ritling through my shelves as they were. I think they said 'to the Rs when this is done.' while talking about amputations and tourniquets.
The Rs could mean a lot of things. There are businesses, streets, railroads, bars, and neighborhoods that all fit. Ugh. That wasn't very helpful at all. I could really use a cocktail right about now - this is really stressful.
  • Thank you for this information, Doctor.
Investigation: The R's

Dr. Pierce recalls hearing the Vahzilok speak about 'The Rs', and amputations. The Vahzilok would never go to a hospital to seek care, that much is obvious. Pierce's futile attempt to help was logical, though; the Rs could mean a lot of things. There are businesses, streets, railroads, bars, and neighborhoods that all fit. The Red River neighborhood is in the Hollows, which is not far from heere and just past the hospital. Maybe you should ask Julius the Troll if he knows anything.

  • Tell me the story again, please
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I think I have everything I need, ma'am,
Pierce seems exhausted from the questioning but relieved.
I hope you find these guys. But it goes without saying that you should not bring back any of the merchandise, it's already a loss and unsellable because it's impossible to guarantee it's safe to use after being in the hands of sewer corpses.
Based on what you've learned from Pierce, you decide to set out and investigate...
Consult your clues to make your best deduction on where to head next, then confer with Agent Watkins before heading off.
  • Investigate The Emergency Callboxes
The Patrol box is nearby, hopefully it can help.
  • Call Agent Watkins
Decision: Investigate the Callboxes

You have decided to check out the Emergency Callboxes as a result of your investigation.

  • Investigate the Hollows
Julius the Troll isn't terribly far, but still a hike from where you currently are. Hopefully he knows something.
  • Call Agent Watkins
Decision: Investigate the Hollows

You have decided to investigate the Red River neighborhood of the Hollows after concluding your investigation.

  • Investigate the Park
Hide Park is a well-known area of the city, if something odd did happen there's a good chance someone noticed.
  • Call Agent Watkins
Decision: Investigate the Park

You have decided to investigate the park, based on the clues you've uncovered.

  • Hunt Some Trolls
When in doubt, violence can get some answers!
  • Call Agent Watkins
Decision: Hunt some Trolls

You have decided to hunt some Trolls to see if any of them might have been witnesses to the crime.

  • I'm no expert, I'll ask Agent Watkins
You didn't expect this job to require using detective skills. While you appreciate it, you decide that this kind of work is not your strongest talent.
  • Call Agent Watkins
Decision: Investigate the Hollows

You have decided to investigate the Red River neighborhood of the Hollows after concluding your investigation.

  • No time - I'm on a team. (Bypass Investigation entirely)
You have chosen to bypass this Investigation. Agent Watkins will get the information needed from Dr. Pierce.
Decision: Bypass the Mission

You're on a team and opted to skip talking to Pierce at all.

  • (Move forward with the next mission.)


Watkins eagerly awaits your report.

Give me a few minutes, then check back in with me. We need to plan our next moves carefully.