Mission:The Hearts of Darkness - Price of Victory: Grave Consequences

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Grave Consequences


Your final task is at hand, Character. Dollface may appear to be-

Dr. Graves's words fall upon deaf ears as the voice of Scirocco fills your head.

It is time, Character. It is my belief that by the time you find Dollface, Dr. Graves will have already made his escape.

I have been tracking Graves's recent movements - his base of operations appears to be a warehouse on the outskirts of Cap au Diable. Assemble your compatriots and ambush him there.

This is the task for which Arachnos has left you alive, Character. Failure on your part will be fatal.

  • I'd best not fail, then.

You are again capable of hearing Dr. Graves.

What? Yes... this is true, Character. Failure is not an option. I am glad you appreciate the seriousness of this matter.

Dollface will be waiting for you. Proceed with the utmost caution.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You are very close to achieving great power, Character. Do not falter now.

Mission Objective(s)


You've called in the ambush. Your allies should be here somewhere. It's time to finish this.

  • Ambush Dr. Graves!
    • Confront Dr. Graves
    • This definitely doesn't look good
    • Defeat Dr. Graves, Omnicore, and Zephyr!
    • Speak with Dr. Graves

You have taken command of Graves's group. Hopefully your combined powers will be enough for the task ahead.


Template:Enemy Necromancy

Hearts of Darkness

Notable NPCs


Character... I would congratulate you, but my demise will be a blessing compared to what is in store for you.

  • You're not really in a good position to make threats, Graves.

For the first time since you've known him, you hear Dr. Graves laugh. It is not a sound you enjoy.

It is no threat, fool. It is a reality you have not yet been made aware of. There is so much you do not yet know, I almost pity you.

You are, quite simply, doomed.

  • Explain, then. I'm listening.

At this point I'm sure you believe that our vaunted benefactor does not exist, and that I have been running this contest myself.

On the first point, you would be correct. No benefactor exists to offer you the power you were promised. I should think that would be fairly obvious by now.

However, I am most certainly not the ringleader of this little circus. I am merely a pawn... in her game.

Your suspicions have been misspent, Character. I was not the one you should have been wary of.

  • 'Her game'? Wait, you can't be serious...

Dr. Graves's laughter devolves into sputtering and coughing.

Fool. Even after she has been revealed, you continue to underestimate Dollface. She... it is capable of horrors you have never dreamed of.

She started this contest to find a body, Character. Hers is deteriorating, and my surgical skills have their limits. Your reward for victory was to be eternal torment, trapped within a body you do not control.

Abandon all hope, Character. She is a being as ancient as these very Isles we stand upon. You have no chance of defeating her.

  • Perhaps not... at least, not alone.

Graves stares at you silently. You match his gaze without faltering.

I am not sure that even our combined efforts could defeat her, Character. However, she has already chosen your body for conquest.

As it stands now, I have nothing to lose. I either die here, by your hand, or die by hers. I believe Omnicore and Zephyr are in similar predicaments. If you wish me to stand with you against her - against that infernal terror - then I will do so.

  • Very well. But remember, Graves - I'm running the show from now on.

Grave's eyes flare with resentment, but he makes no protest.

As you wish, Character. We shall follow your lead.

...For now.

  • Good enough, Graves. Good enough.


Dr. Graves still bears the marks of your attacks. He has seen far better days.

Well, Character. You have established your authority over our little gathering. I assure you, I would be madly plotting against your life, if I was not keenly aware of how dangerous our situation has become.

We cannot afford to bicker over pecking order. Not if we are to stand against Dollface.