Mission:The Hearts of Darkness - Rogues' Contest: Villain Without a Plan

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Villain Without a Plan


You are blessed with a luck like no other, you know that Character? Were it not for the intervention of our faceless benefactor, I would have disqualified you for the manner in which you stole your victory. However, since it was deemed alright by the one patronizing these proceedings, I must award you the winner's spot in the first round.

That may not be to your liking, as you shall soon see. Let us now move to the next trial, shall we?

  • I can win with my hands tied behind my back. Bring it, Graves.

How fitting you say that, for that is almost precisely what you will be experiencing. You see, being the winner in the first round puts you in a rather undesirable position. The next round of the contest will require you to pull off an act of mayhem and discord by your own design. The loser of the last round has been given the opportunity to stake claim to a location where they will perform their deed... first.

You, being the winner, will get to pick last.

However, I am giving you the list of where the others have chosen to undertake their plans, which our benefactor has provided as your 'prize' for winning the first round. Perhaps you can glean some insight from them that will help your own plan to outdo theirs. Now go.

Go to the Hospital and talk with Crosscut

Unnecessary Solicitation

Crosscut indicated he will be near the hospital. That is all I am allowed to offer.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to the Hospital and talk with Crosscut


Ahhh... my pleasantly plump friend.

Do you know how happy I am to see you here?

You being so very alone.

And with that beautiful, lost look in your eyes.

  • Don't even think of it, Crosscut.

Oh, I hate to disappoint you, but I already did. I've been thinking about it all day. I do so think about it all the time, to be precise.

Crosscut gazes at you from behind his mask.

Can you see the smile it gives me? It's so, so big...

Why, it would take up your whole neck to make you smile that big, now wouldn't it?

  • Try it and I'll --

You'll scream? You were going to say scream, right? Oh please please please tell me you said you would scream.

My last plaything here in the Hospital wouldn't scream for me and that made me so, so very sad. If you would be so kind to put a smile on my face, Character, and I'll be very happy to do the same for you...

  • Wait, you're attacking people here? Here in the Hospital?

Of course! Where else can you find a palce where your broken toys are fixed over and over? You can make a cut, and another, and another and another and another and another... until all of those little tendons finally snap.

And then -- 'tada'! All back together, right as rain as my dear old mother would say.

Maybe if I take enough pictures for my photo album, our patron will smile, too!

  • You're planning on brutalizing hospital patients to win this round?

Oh... there is that, too, now that you mention it...

  • ...Alright then. I'll leave you to your... games.
Go to the Arachnos Training Grounds and talk with Dollface

Unnecessary Solicitation

Dollface indicated she will be near the landing that Arachnos uses for training drills. That is all I am allowed to offer.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to the Arachnos Training Grounds and talk with Dollface


Oh! It's the bad person who LIED and stole my win!!! You know, just for that I should tell these nice Arachnos people that you kick puppies.

And old ladies crossing the street.

How would you feel if I lied like that, huh?

  • You shouldn't be so gullible, Dollface.

OH YEAH!? Well... Well, maybe YOU'RE the one who's gullible. Ever think about that?!

Yeah, I didn't think so!

  • Dollface, you're just being juvenile now. Accept your defeat already.

Juvenile? I don't even know what that word MEANS! You think you can outsmart me with your big, fancy vocabulary, huh? That's it! I'm changing my plan now.

I WAS going to walk up to these administrators and tell them it would be a good idea to give me my very own Arachnos Flyer. But you know what? Now I'm going to... um...

I'm going to... uh...

Oh, I know... I'm going to tell them you tried to... to STEAL my purse! Yeah! And then you're in biiiiiig trouble!

  • Is that so? You know what they'll say if you tell them that, right?

Yes, I know EXACTLY what they'll say. They'll say, 'Miss Dollface, we'll send a whole army of cops and find that Character!'.

Uh... Then they'll give me a reward for bringing a mugger to justice. And they will be a... uh... parade, right? For me?

  • No. They'll throw you in the ocean for not defending yourself. Only the strong survive here.

Dollface looks at you in horror.

Oh no... Really? Oh, that's terrible! I don't like swimming, what with all those slimy fishies taking baths in the ocean...

Fine... Then I'll let you win. But I'm still going to fly a helicopter AND win this time around. And - you - can't - stop - me!

  • You go knock yourself out with that.
Go to the Docks and talk with Zephyr

Unnecessary Solicitation

Zephyr indicated he will be near the Docks. That is all I am allowed to offer.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to the Docks and talk with Zephyr


Oh hey. What's up, Character. Nice moves back there in the trial. You so stole that win! Even though you totally punked me, it's all good. I can appreciate a cool move.

  • Well, good to know you're not planning revenge.

Naw, not really. I'm still gonna win, but I got no beef with you. Plus it's getting really boring standing around here waiting for these guys to set sail. I'm talking the big one. All those tiny communter ferries ain't gonna do it for me.

  • Do what for you?

Sinking them. If you've only got a couple dudes on board, what's the point, you know? A good sinking needs to have, like, a TON of dudes for it to be fun and all.

Now that I think about it, I'm thinking I'll blow these dudes all the way to the north pole and get 'em all stuck in the ice! I think I'll do it by sucking in alot of --

  • I don't want to hear what you're next going to say.

Whoahhh... Chill. I don't know where you think I was going with that, but it was probably a lot more exciting than what I was going to say. So look, are you gonna work on your master plan for the contest or something?

I mean, it's all super cool hanging out with you, you know, getting to know you and all --

wait --

Sorry, what I meant to say was that you're, like, super boring and are totally harshing on my grooves.

Plus you're scaring away the ladies.

  • I'll be happy to leave you alone.
Go to the Black Market and talk with Omnicore

Unnecessary Solicitation

Omnicore indicated she will be near the Black Market. That is all I am allowed to offer.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to the Black Market and talk with Omnicore


Why are you bothering me, Character? Are you here to interfere with my plan the way you stole the first round away from Dollface?

  • No, I'm not worried about you winning.

Well then you are an overconfident fool! I should be the highest on your list of concerns. When I'm done with my master plan, it will be quite obvious to everyone that only I deserve to rule by the side of our hidden patron!

  • You think your silly plan will work?

Only the fool laughs in the face of defeat, Character. You don't even know my plan, yet you already feel you have won. You may have won the first round through deceit, but I will win the next round through superior intellect and careful planning!

  • And skulking around in an alleyway like common trash, right?

I will not SUFFER YOUR INSULTS, Character. I am neither skulking nor am I associating with the vermin that crawls within these walls. I am waiting for the perfect moment to strike at these smugglers of contraband. Contraband that will fetch a very high value once I seize it from their grubby hands!

And when I have won the contest, I will allow you to come begging on hand and knee for the scraps that are beneath my notice.

And I will deny you even that!

  • You're seriously planning on attacking the entire Black Market?

No, Character. I have already begun doing so even before you swaggered up to me. What I'm doing now is waiting for my homing devices to show me the whereabouts of their wealthiest distributors and hold them at ransom. Once done... I shall BUY the Black Market's inventory and then sell it for a price that pleases me.

You do not possess the technological superiority to pull off a plan such as I have, Character. You should try one of BenevoLabs hologram costumes. Maybe look the part of somebody nearly as smart as I am?. Who am I kidding? You'll be in one of Longbow's holding cells within days of me defeating you in this contest.

Who am I kidding? You'll be in one of Longbow's holding cells within days of me defeating you in this contest.

Believe me... I'll see that it happens.

  • Sound and fury, Omnicore. We'll see if you can back it up.
Go inside the Vault Reserve and try to formulate a plan

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go inside the Vault Reserve and try to formulate a plan
    • Travel to the Vault Reserve

You scan the Vault Reserve building for inspiration, but find the possibilities to be lacking. However, Omnicore has given you have a much better idea...
You're going straight for Longbow -- In their own base!

Day Job Locations

Day Job Locations are places where you can recieve bonuses based on the amount of time your character spends offline. If you log off in a Day Job Location, you will begin to accure a Day Job Bonus associated with that location. Each Day Job Bonus only lasts a limited amount of time, based on how long your character was offline in the related Day Job Location.

Below are some example Day Jobs:

Hospital: Grants an out-of-combat Regeneration bonus.

Arachnos Base: Grants an Experience bonus for each completed mission.

Docks: Grants a bonus Enhancement reward for each completed mission.

Black Market: Grants a Temporary Power that allows you to teleport to the Black Market.

Architect Entertainment: Grants bonus Architect Tickets for each completed Architect mission.


Now that you've staked out the Vault Reserve building, it is time to put together your plan. I would expect --

What is that? A Longbow base?! You must be stark raving mad to do something...

No, no... I mispoke.

That is a WONDERFUL idea.