Mission:The Price Good Men Must Pay - Part One: No Man Left Behind
Part One: No Man Left Behind
I wanna let you know, kiddo, that I ain't callin' you kiddo out of disrespect. It's 'cause I never remember anyone's name anymore, 'cept for folks I served with for a long time. Like that Behold whatever kiddo there, I ain't gonna be rememberin' her name. So I'm gettin' that out of the way so you and me can serve together without any problems.
So, first things first. You went and got us those blueprints for the Behavioral Adjustment Facility. Me and Wardog, we've got a plan to break out a bunch of our boys from there. You see, kiddo, Cole touts the BAF as the place where folks get 'rehabilitated' or some other nonsense. He's sittin' on a pile of hogwash, that's what he is. The BAF ain't nothing but a facility where his scientists perform whatever experiments they want!
Kiddo, we're gonna go rescue our boys that're in there. And every single one of 'em is gonna help us blow Cole and his regime to bits! You in?
- I'm in.
Great! Get topside and talk to one of our girls, name's Elana. She'll getcha all set up to get into the BAF. Now I gotta warn ya kiddo, the BAF is a dangerous place. We can getcha in there, but you'll have to move fast. Your main priority is to save at least three of our boys. I wanna have ya save the others, kiddo, but that might put ya at risk. And I'm gonna be honest kiddo, you're one of our big hitters, so we ain't riskin' you.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You talk with Wardog yet, kiddo?
You're part of the attack in the BAF, right? We've got a temporary passage going into there now. Are you ready?
- I'm ready. (Start Mission)
Mission Objective(s)
Wardog calls out for you to hurry. There's only so much time before Cole's Guard will arrive.
- Break into the BAF
- 3 soldiers to recover
- 34 soldiers to recover
- Rescue as many Resistance as you can in five minutes
You recovered as many soldiers as you could from the BAF.

There are only 3 Prisoners, and they can easily be defeated by the PPD Sergeants, making the mission impossible to complete. Use caution when attacking the PPD Sergeants to make sure they are aimed AWAY from the Prisoners.

After recovering the third soldier, a five-minute countdown will commence, during which you rescue as many of the 34 soldiers as possible. Most, if not all, are held in the prison area of the map.
Notable NPCs
- (Praetorian Police Department Sergeant) x37 (Boss) (One guarding each prisoner)
- Captured Fighter x37 (NPC, non-escort)
You've saved one of the soldiers!

One of the soldiers you rescued mentioned that there were some experiments done on him. He mentioned under his breath that the experiments were intended to 'Show the Resistance who holds the power here'.
Agh, of all the hogwash that's happened, this is it! Sorry, kiddo, just somethin' I found out. We saw that those boys you picked up were full of somethin' bad. It's a terrible thing, I tell ya, terrible thing. We knew those scientists would do something to them. That's the whole reason why we wanted to get 'em outta the BAF! We were hopin' they were gonna be transformed into some sorta super soldier that the PPD were gonna use. But those scientists were one step ahead of us. They set our boys up to be a walkin' ball of disease, waiting to spread whatever sick virus those scientists put in them!
But kiddo, it's gonna be okay. When you're in a war, you gotta adapt to the situation. We may have walking diseases quarantined here now, but there's a way for us to use every single one of 'em for the war effort. Just you wait.