Mission:The Sky Raider Secret - Talk to Andrea Mitchell about the general

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Talk to Andrea Mitchell about the general


I've identified one of the men you rescued from the Sky Raiders. He's General Toliver Johnson. He used to be in charge of the Joint Command Special Threat Response Battalion, a special team of soldiers trained to fight super-powered threats. The battalion doesn't exist anymore, but I know a woman who used to be part of it. You should go talk to Andrea Mitchell about the general. While your at it, take her these three photos of the other men.

Mission Acceptance

The Sky Raiders might be on to you, so watch your back.

Ambush! After accepting this mission there will be an ambush by Sky Raiders.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You still have those photos? Get those over to Andrea!


These photographs show the three men you rescued from the Sky Raiders.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Andrea Mitchell


So you guys are digging around in the history of Vigilance? That's what we used to call the Joint Command Special Threat Response Battalion. Much easier to remember! Most of the unit was killed during the Rikti War; I was wounded shortly thereafter and left, but at least I can ID the guys in those pictures. One is former Deputy Secretary of Defense Eli Hunt; the other is a former hero named Wayne Evans, AKA Captain Indomitable. Indom was our adviser on super-powered threats. Secretary Hunt was the man who got the unit approved in the first place. And you already know who General Johnson is. What they're doing together, I can't say.


So we know that those men you rescued from the Sky Raiders used to be involved with that military unit Vigilance. What we don't know is what they're doing in Paragon City. Now that I've got some names, we can do some more digging.