Mission:The Superadine Ring - Part One: Product Placement
Part One: Product Placement
Superadine has been on the streets of Kings Row for years now, Character. But, with all the refugees flooding into Kings Row after the destruction of Galaxy City, The Skulls have really started to push their product. The number of Superadine related crimes is escalating, and the PPD don't seem to have enough manpower to put a stop to it. Only so much good can be done by writing about this. It is time someone took action.
Will you help me shine the light on the Skulls' activities here in Kings Row? Maybe together we can put a stop to all of this.
- I'll help you put a stop to The Skulls
Great! This city is sick, Character, and as with any illness, I turn to my good friend Genevieve Sanders over at Crowne Memorial Hospital for a diagnosis of the cause.
Genevieve has indicated that the hospital's detox wards are reaching maximum occupancy. Superadine addicts are being brought in off the streets in droves, and from what said, they're suffering some pretty extreme states of withdraw. She said that if I could find a hero to help, then she would have some information for them to act on.
I guess that means you're our hero.
Talk to Genevieve Sanders
Unnecessary Solicitation
Genevieve said she has some information about The Skulls and their pushing of Superadine on the people of Kings Row. You can find her at Crowne Memorial Hospital.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Genevieve Sanders
Character, Shauna called to let me know you were on your way. Thanks for agreeing to help out.
More Superadine addicts are showing up to the hospital every day and they're in bad shape. From what I've gathered the Skulls are forcibly addicting people to the drug.
Character, a lot of these people lost everything in Galaxy City. They've turned to theft and less savory acts in order to pay for thier next fix. Eventually they either end up arrested, here... or in the morgue.
Sorry, I just... it's so frustrating... you came here for information in order to solve this problem, not to listen to me go on about it... According to some of my recovering patients, the Skulls have a drug den in Industrial Avenue. People go there to buy their Superadine. If you can hit the Skulls on the streets hard enough, they just might spill the beans on who's running the show, and where in the Gish that drug den is located.

According to Genevieve Sanders, a lot of the addicts coming into Crowne Memorial and other hospitals around town were forcibly injected with Superadine by The Skulls in order to get them hooked. Once hooked, the victims would do almost anything to keep getting Superadine, including selling off cherished possessions, taking out loans or second mortgages, and even turning to crime. Meanwhile, the Skulls are raking in the profits as Kings Row slowly and steadily rides the high into self destruction. Most of the addicts got their Superadine from a local Superadine den, but locating it is going to be tough. Best to hit the streets and ask the Skulls. Hard.
Question Skulls in The Gish
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Skulls are expanding their influence all over Kings Row. Nobody else can really challenge their expansion, so they think they own the place. They're a lot of talk there, but don't let that fool you, there are also a lot of them.
Mission Objective(s)
- Question Skulls in Kings Row
- Defeat 10 Skulls
The name Toothbreaker Jones keeps popping up, and these Skulls were nice enough to tell you where to find him. Time to pay him a visit.

Your inquiries on the street yielded one name; Toothbreaker Jones. Word is, of the bunch of bad apples that make up the Skulls, he's the most rotten. He's got a Superadine den here in The Gish. Maybe it's time you paid him a visit.
Pay Toothbreaker Jones a visit
Unnecessary Solicitation
Toothbreaker Jones? I've heard of that guy. He is bad news. Character, be careful. If Jones is cornered in that Superadine Den, there is no telling what he might be capable of.
Mission Objective(s)
Take down Toothbreaker Jones' operation
- Pay Toothbreaker Jones a visit
- Arrest Toothbreaker Jones
You shut down Toothbreaker Jones' drug den and put him behind bars.
Notable NPCs
- Toothbreaker Jones (Skulls Bone Daddy)
- Jones tells you about the Skulls and the Superadine drug dens in Kings Row.

Jones laughs at you between gasps for breath. Eventually his taunting gets the best of him, and he tips the Skulls' hand a little too much. Turns out his Superadine den isn't the only one in Kings Row. In addition, more are about to spring up with a new Superadine shipment that's supposed to be coming into town real soon. You press him, but Jones just doesn't know any more than that.
- In one of the drawers in this desk you found a cleaned out mayonnaise jar filled with broken human teeth. Looks like you've found Toothbreaker Jones' trophy collection.

This empty mayonnaise jar is filled with the broken trophies that earned Toothbreaker Jones his cheerful monicker.
Wow, that's going to make an amazing story. Character takes down Superadine den and busts the leader, saves innocents from the Skulls.
Unfortunately Jones is just one of several pushers in the area. Taking him down put a dent in the Skulls' profit margin, but I have a feeling that now that you've pushed the Skulls, they're going to shove back. Watch yourself out there, they'll be gunning for you.