Mission:The Truth Hurts - Part Two: Edit Pass
Part Two: Edit Pass
Alright, Character, I finished the editing and had my boyfriend drop it into the TPN drop box. Don't worry, I used one of my pen names, Tetrachloride, I've used in the past.
Now, the only issue is that TPN sends all their footage to Athena Labs. They're going to edit everything out of my story over there.
So that's where I'm going to need your help again. I need you to get into Athena Labs and make sure that my material skips the editing process.
- Sneak into TPN for Jessica
Here, this is the schedule for the security sweeps of the building. My boyfriend knows a guy who can neutralize the surveillance systems remotely, but the security system will figure that out in a few minutes. Once you access the computers the Clockwork will be alerted to your tampering. If the security system detects an intruder, the PPD will be called. Their best response time is 2 minutes.
Character, you're going to have to move fast to get in and out of there unseen. I have faith in you though.
Those Loyalists who are truly loyal to the safety and peace of Praetoria would do well to speak with Provost Marchand about events that are happening.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I need you to get into Athena Labs before they edit my story. The editing process is automated, so if you move the necessary files out of the batch process into the edited folder then we're home free.
Mission Objective(s)
If Jessica is right, you've got less than 5 minutes to get in and out of here!
- Manipulate Files in Athena Labs before PPD arrive
- Modify Production Files
- Surveillance Offline For 5 Minutes
- 2 Minutes until the PPD arrives!
You pushed Jessica's files through the Athena Labs editing process.

WARNING: There is a missing waypoint on this mission after modifying the files, (Find Mission Exit)
You found Jessica's files under her pen name, 'Tetrachloride'.

You modified the queue of TPN histories in the Athena Labs Production Computer. You ensured that Jessica Flores' file, written under the pen name 'Tetrachloride', was moved into the approved bin and then masked your trail by downloading a large number of other files onto a portable drive.
You did it?
You did it!
This. Is. So. Awesome! I'm going to nail those high and mighty Praetors! Finally, all my hard work will actually do something to help improve things and expose the crud under all this white wash and gold!