Mission:The Vahzilok Plague - Take the diseased blood samples to Professor St. John-Smythe for final processing

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Take the diseased blood samples to Professor St. John-Smythe for final processing


I'm sorry to say this, but you've been infected with the Vahzilok virus. Now, I don't want you to panic; it's at a very early stage, and we're already hard at work on a serum. If you could take these diseased blood samples to Professor St. John-Smythe for final processing, I'm sure he could give you a shot right away.

Mission Acceptance

If you start to feel woozy, whatever you do, don't go to sleep!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Get those samples over to the professor, Character. You are pushing your luck.

Temporary Power


Auto: Self -Regeneration, -Recovery, -Hit Points, -Endurance

You have been infected with the Vahzilok Wasting Disease. This disease, introduced by the Vahzilok, is slowly wasting you away. Find a cure, quick! Your maximum hit points, endurance, regeneration, and recovery have all been reduced.

Deliver samples to the professor

Mission Objective(s)

  • Deliver samples to the professor


Thank goodness you're here! Our labs are under attack by Vahzilok zombies, and we need your help! If that lab falls to the Vahzilok, our hopes for a cure will be ruined!

Defeat Patient Zero and minions

Mission Objective(s)

Saving the scientists is the only hope you have of curing the Vahzilok wasting disease.

  • Defeat Patient Zero and minions
    • 3 scientists to rescue

You have rescued the scientists and saved the labs. One of the scientists gave you a shot to cure you of the Vahzilok disease.

Scientist conversation

One of the scientists you rescued said:

'I'm glad you got here when you did. You just missed Dr. Vahzilok himself! He found half of our supply of the serum, and left to examine it. His minions would have found the rest in a few more minutes. Here, let me give you a shot. You'll be all right soon. But I'm afraid that Dr. Vahzilok will just alter his disease to make it resistant to our cure. I guess this proves that his so-called humanitarian motives are nothing but a crock. He can't be trying to cheat death if he's spreading killer viruses around.



Notable NPCs


So, Dr. Vahzilok's minions made off with some of the serum! If Dr. Vahzilok modifies his virus to resist that drug, we may not be able to step the epidemic!