Mission:Those Who Make History - Part Two: The Mind's Eye

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Part Two: The Mind's Eye


We have one last obstacle before moving to obtain the Neutron Bomb, Character. That would be where exactly it is. This is a problem easily solved by tapping into the network that the seers use. I would simply request Beholder to do it, but she has grown weak in the past few days. I fear that she truly does not have much time left in this world. But she has fashioned a device that can be used to scan a seer's mind.

There is a seer who has this information, by the name of 7282. Lovely name, isn't it? We're all just numbers to Cole and the Praetors. Her location was kindly provided by our allies in the Syndicate.

  • So I need to go in there and scan this seer's memory?

Precisely. You'll have aid from the Syndicate. The man's name is Marcus Kirchmer, a skilled swordsman. I remember when he was a younger boy. I taught him, in fact, in my previous life. Very smart and very polite boy.

When you arrive at the facility, you'll need to re-sync the device with the network. Once that is done, it's a simple matter of weakening the seer in order to activate the device.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Let me know if anything should go wrong, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map P Tech Bio 30 Layout 01 01.png
Map: P_Tech_Bio_30_Layout_01_01

This time you are greeted by Marcus Kirchmer of the Syndicate. Somewhere within here is the Seer that carries perhaps the most valuable information in all of Imperial City.

  • Scan Seer 7282's Mind
    • Sync the scanner with the Seer system
    • Weaken Seer 7282
    • Scan the Seer's mind
    • Find Mission Exit

You've got the information you need - now get out of the building before the PPD arrive!


Praetorian Police Department

Notable NPCs

  • Marcus Kirchmer (Syndicate Sword Master, Ally)
  • Seer 7282 (Seers Visionary) (Boss)
Seer 7282

You're able to see various parts of the Seer's mind with the scanner, though you have very little time.

  • (Search for information on the Neutron bomb's location)

A map of Imperial City is shown. Various dots roll over it until one remains, showing the location of the Neutron Bomb.

  • (Remove the Device)

PPD Reinforcements will arrive in 30 seconds!

Ambush! After using the device on Seer 7282, you will have 30 seconds before several waves of PPD reinforcements arrive.

The PPD have arrived!


It's an interesting fact that Cole's main method of policing the people of Praetoria has led us to discover the location of this all important bomb. Much like all tyrants in history, Cole's main weakness is his grip of control over the people.

This was something I tried desperately to teach my students, in the final days of my teaching. I was forced out, you know. I did not leave on my own volition; Cole and his forces threatened the well-being of my family and friends if I did not stop spreading my 'lies' to the children that I taught. Instead of continuing a career teaching lies to the children, I left my job. I went home that night to find my home empty. It seems Cole did not 'approve' of my choice. The reports say my family was sent away to another country, claiming they wanted to go there to aid them.

That was over five years ago, Character. I know that my family is dead. Perhaps that is why in these final moments, I am calm.