Mission:Tina Macintyre - Check out the new dimension
Check out the new dimension
I've got another dimension for you to check out, if you're ready for it. It's called Alpha Upsilon 24-2. I have to warn you, we've been getting some very strange life signs from this dimension. It's be best to be on your guard.
- Check out the new dimension
I really don't know what you'll find in this dimension. But I'm sure you can handle whatever comes up.
Unnecessary Solicitation
We need to know more about that alternate dimension.
Mission Objective(s)
The terrain is recognizable as familiar Paragon City. But something happened here. Something horrible.
- Investigate the new dimension
- Seek clues
You found a clue to the fate of this world.

You found this tattered diary beneath a pile of bones. It reads:
'I, the mighty Character, have triumphed, but victory is not as sweet as I imagined. In my zeal to conquer this feeble world, I have instead demolished it. The people I would have ruled? Dead, though not entirely gone. They linger in these lands as foul, angry spirits. They hope eventually to find a way to destroy me, but I am not concerned. I am Character! I need fear no one, for my power is truly beyond all limits.'
Pile of bones
Don't feel too bad, Character. It sounds as though your alternate self wiped out that dimension, but doesn't mean you're responsible. If anything, you should take it as a warning. I guess your other self was corrupted by your terrific power. Remember that, and don't let it happen to you!