Mission:Tina Macintyre - Go to Praetoria and disrupt Anti-Matter's plans

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Go to Praetoria and disrupt Anti-Matter's plans (42-45)


Character, we've been monitoring the situation over on the dimension classified as Upsilon Beta 9-6, which you know as the Praetorian Earth. It seems that one of the major players over there, Anti-Matter, who as best as we can tell is the 'evil Positron', is planning some sort of dimensional breach into our world. A breach that we can not allow to happen.

His lab will have all sorts of dimensional and portal stabilizers and the ilk, and we'd like you to get over there and destroy any progress he's made on incurring on our dimension.

  • Go to Praetoria and disrupt Anti-Matter's plans

Set the portal to Upsilon Beta 9-6. I've got coordinates that will drop you right into the lab in question.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We can't allow any of those Praetorians to establish a beachhead in this dimension.

Mission Objective(s)

Praetoria. Whether you call this place home or this is your first time here, you have the insight to look past all the utopian propaganda and see this world for what it really is.

  • Disrupt Anti-Matter's plans.
    • 10 devices to shut down

Anti-matter's incursion plans have been stopped for now.


Anti-Matter's Clockwork

Notable NPCs


If that flunky for Tyrant can get that close to establishing a permanent portal to Primal Earth, I am worried as to what the Praetorian Guard could do if they actually worked together for once. Emperor Cole won't stop until he can claim our dimension as his own.