Mission:Tip - An Unstable Trigger

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An Unstable Trigger
Alignment Mission
Salvage TipIcon.png
Type Alignment Tip
Place Paragon City
Available to Heroes and Vigilantes
Level range 40–50
Choice Hero or Vigilante
v  d  e

An Unstable Trigger

You've stumbled across a small cathode tube that appears to be newly manufactured but yet seems to be using technology from decades ago. Researching the serial numbers, you manage to find a declassified Freedom Corp document with an accompanying blueprint that looks exactly like the tube you're holding:

**Declassified: Fifth Column Sleeper Cell Raid**Acquisition of primary target success - prototype blueprints for manufacture of remote bomb detonation switch trigger. Asset acquisition failed (subnote) - No assets were created due to lack of uranium materiel. Interrogation results show that switches were intended to be made and sold to highest black-market bidder to fund futher Fifth Column personal ventures. Plot stopped before buyer could be found to initiate contract with Fifth Column.

If this tube is the same one described in the report, then that means the Fifth Column has not only gotten their hands on some uranium, but that they likely have a buyer for these bomb switches. The Fifth Column needs to be stopped from making any more of these before their buyer uses them on innocent people! However, if the buyer was found and...convinced...to stop their ultimate plan, then the trigger switches would never be able to be used for evil.

Hero Acceptance


If these bomb triggers were to get into the hands of the purchaser who commissioned them, or anyone else for that matter, the sheer amount of destruction that could be caused is unfathomable. Whatever plan these trigger switches are intended for can be stopped by destroying the trigger switches themselves. You may be able to track down who the buyer is later, but you have to put a stop to the means by which their plan is intended to be carried out before any innocent lives are lost!

Destroy the cache of bomb triggers!

From the additional information contained within the report, you're able to figure out where the Fifth Column sleeper cell was originally located. Even though the report claims it was later abandoned, it's quite likely the the fascists have returned to their old haunts. Track them down, destroy those triggers at all costs, then see if you can find out anything about who the buyer is.

Mission Objective(s)

It definitely looks like the Fifth Column has restarted their base. And that means you'll find those triggers here. Destroy them at once before any can slip into the hands of the mysterious buyer.

  • Destroy the Bomb Triggers!
    • Find and defeat the 5th Column Oberst!
    • Find Maelstrom
    • Destroy the Container Holding the Bomb Triggers!

You've destroyed the container holding all of the uranium-filled bomb triggers. Longbow can return to mop up any of the Fifth Column stragglers left in the base.


5th Column

Notable NPCs

Maelstrom stands before you with his hands raised away from his guns indicating that he wants to talk, not fight.

So, you managed to defeat that relic of a failed vision of hate and conquest. I would have taken care of that obsolete trash myself if you hadn't showed up.

So why are you here, Character? I'm assuming it has something to do with these dangerous bomb triggers, am I right?

Close. I'm here to destroy them, and bring you in.

Bring me in? For what? Removing these deadly weapons from muderous fanatics? The last time I checked that's what a hero is supposed to do? Or have things changed since I was last here?

What, did you bring a whole squadron of Longbow agents to come arrest the one guy who knows what these things are actually for? I didn't realize the self-righteous enforcers of law and order needed to pack together like these sickening fascists in order to get anything done.

I don't need to bring an army to stop people like you, Maelstrom.

Hold your horses there a moment, rookie. Are you telling me you came all the way here...intent on stopping the Fifth Column...intent on destroying these uranium filled remote bomb triggers...AND stopping me from performing whatever nefarious plan you've concocted in your head? And you were going to do all of this by yourself? What in the hell were you thinking!?

That unlike you, I'm doing the right thing.

Maelstrom reaches for his guns at a blinding fast speed and points them right at your head.

Actually, you did the wrong thing, kiddo...


You not only managed to destroy all of the bomb triggers, but also stopped the Oberst leading the manufacturing operations. Although Maelstrom may have gotten away, you still managed to foil his plans for whatever insidious design he had intended for those bomb triggers.

Vigilante Acceptance


Even if you were able to destroy the triggers, what's to stop the mysterious buyer from contracting someone else to create a similar form of weapon? If you really want to put an end to this problem, you need to go straight to the head of the problem - and decapitate it. Sure, it's a bit extreme in its approach, but so are countless lives being snuffed out needlessly. You need to find the buyer who commissioned the Fifth Column and take that ONE person out if you really want to save MANY lives.

Assassinate the buyer of the bomb triggers!

From the additional information contained within the report, you're able to figure out where the Fifth Column sleeper cell was originally located. Even though the report claims it was later abandoned, it's quite likely that the fascists have returned to their old haunts. Find the base, assassinate the buyer when they're at their most vulnerable, and destroy any of the remaining bomb caches that are still there.

Mission Objective(s)

It definitely looks like the Fifth Column has restarted their base. With luck, you'll be able to find the buyer here. You might consider tricking them into lowering their guard. Who knows what kind of protection they're guarded by.

  • Assassinate the Bomb Trigger Purchaser!
    • Find the buyer and lull him into lowering his guard.
    • Destroy your container of bomb triggers!
    • Now corner Maelstrom when he least suspects it!

You were unable to put a final stop on Maelstrom, but managed to ruin his drawn out plan.



Malta Operatives
5th Column
Praetorian Clockwork

Notable NPCs

Ambush! After starting combat with the Malta Operatives, Maelstrom will spawn and ambush you

Ambush! After starting combat with the Clockwork, Maelstrom will Ambush you again.


In an attempt to get to the top of the chain of command behind the manufacture of these bomb triggers, Maelstrom managed to get away.

However, you were still able to destroy the bomb triggers. And even better, you managed to infuriate Maelstrom.

The next time you meet him, hopefully that anger will cause him to make a fatal mistake.