Mission:Tip - Auction Notice

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Auction Notice
Alignment Mission
Salvage TipIcon.png
Type Alignment Tip
Place Rogue Isles
Available to Villains and Rogues
Level range 20–29
Choice Villain or Rogue
v  d  e

Auction Notice (20-29)

You find an auction notice on the ground with the words, 'Experimental Longbow Weapons and Legacy Chain Magical Artifacts For Sale'. You read it over, looking at the fine details...

'Auction today only, several promising pieces of Longbow technology are for sale, including the experimental sapper rifle that is currently being worked on. Interested in magical artifacts instead? We've got plenty of items stolen from the Legacy Chain just waiting to be used! Location is below - come in unarmed. Armed participants will be shot. Participants with more arms will be shot again.'

While this sounds tempting, you've heard of these auctions springing up, only for all the praticipants to go missing. You float around the auction notice to some of your contacts and do some digging of your own to discover these auctions are being held by the vigilantes Hollow Point and Savage Siren, using actual items they've stolen to lure villains to their demise!

Hollow Point and his little sidekick Savage Siren aren't exactly known for following the laws of the land - though this little plan of theirs seems to have netted them plenty victims already. You don't really care about looking out for your 'fellow' man in the Isles - less competition means more pickings for your anyway - but you can't just sit around and let these two vigilantes have full run of the Isles. Someone needs to put these two do-gooders in their place.

On the other hand, who cares? These two are bringing in some prime items to the Isles - it's just a matter of someone stealing them away without those two crazed vigilantes getting in the way.

Villain Acceptance


You don't really care about what happens to the saps who get tricked by these two - in fact, you could use that to your advantage. Hollow Point and Savage Siren will have torn through anyone who fell for this trap - meaning it'll be a perfect time for you to walk in there and take the two of them down!

Maybe you'll even show off a bit in front of all those soon-to-be clobbered villains - just to show them who is relly the top dog in this place.

  • Take down Hollow Point and Savage Siren!

You wait for some time until the auction should be properly over. Hollow Point and Savage Siren will have finished everything - and everyone - up by now. Time to pay them a visit.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Time to show these two vigilantes what someone with real power can do.

Mission Objective(s)

You see several arrows pinned to the walls - these two must have Wyvern backing them up. Not surprising - though it won't stop you, of course.

  • Take down Hollow Point and Savage Siren!
    • Defeat Savage Siren
    • Defeat Hollow Point

You put down Hollow Point and Savage Siren, ending their operations here within the Rogue Isles!


Notable NPCs

Editor's Note:

Members of various villain factions can be found strewn about the floor of this map. Some of them have dialogue when you get near them, but otherwise are motionless and con friendly.

Terms of Agreement

You found a contract on the ground near Savage Siren after she was defeated. It seems that she and Hollow Point have worked out a deal with Wyvern. The two of them steal from other hero organizations and use the items to lure in villains. Wyvern gives the two their support, as long as the items are then delivered to the group to be used.

It appears that this contract wasn't made by the group as a whole, though it would indicate that Wyvern is hurting for some support.


Hollow Point and Savage Siren won't be recovering from that one anytime soon. If they're smart, they'll keep their defeat low-key. If not, then Longbow and the Legacy Chain will know their illegal operations and how they failed.

Rogue Acceptance


How often Hollow Point and Savage Siren try to trick the unintelligent population of the Isles isn't too much of a problem - given that you're not one of them.

It creates opportunities for you to make of with some prime merchandise to sell off to whoever will bid for it. You'll have to figure out first where they're keeping the goods - it's doubtful they'll risk bringing the actual items with them to these traps. Which also means that the items shouldn't be heavily guarded - making it all the easier for you to steal them and make some quick cash.

  • Track down the stolen goods to sell them!

To your surprise, you find that they're keeping the stolen goods within the sewer systems of the Isles. It might not be pretty, but it'll still sell.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Hopefully whoever buys it won't mind the somewhat lingering smell of sewers.

Mission Objective(s)

You can hear the sound of jets in the distance - jets that belong to Wyvern. Looks like this organized group of vigilantes is in on this little deal.

  • Steal the stolen items!
    • Find where the technology is being kept!
    • Defeat the incoming authorities!
    • 3 incoming groups to defeat!

Time to check out what exactly you found - then sell it off for some premium cash!


Legacy Chain
Paragon Police Department

Notable NPCs

Ambush! Groups of 'authorities' will appear after opening the box of stolen items.


With everything calmed down, you look at what you looted. There are several experimental Longbow weapons here - one which seems to be a copy of some Malta technology.

There are several runestones belonging to the Legacy Chain as well. You can make out the words 'Lughebu' on one of them, though its purpose isn't too clear.

What is clear though is that all of this will net you a good amount of money!