Mission:Tip - Doctor's Orders

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Doctor's Orders
Alignment Mission
Salvage TipIcon.png
Type Alignment Tip
Place Rogue Isles
Available to Vigilantes
Level range 40–50
Choice Villain
v  d  e

Doctor's Orders

Alignment Mission

You've come across a manilla envelope containing various legel briefs pertaining to a doctor working for Crey Industries:

'If it pleases the court, due to special circumstances, the prosecution accepts the defense's motion to grant Dr. Jonas Hanziger full immunity from charges in exchange for said defendant turning State's evidence against Crey Industries.'

The dossiers, briefs, and memos continue on, detailing the immunity being given to Dr. Hanzinger just so long as he reveals all the highly illegal experiments he's carried out working for them. In other words, as long as he points the finger at his bosses, everything he's done in the past gets swept under thet rug - and he'll be called a hero for it, to boot.

Villain: Pay the doctor a housecall

There is no way you're going to stand idly by as some ghoulish monster with a scalpel gets to walk free on the streets. Looking through the rest of the briefings, his self-admitted crimes against medicine and humanity are too numerous to list. Sure, his testimony may help to lock away other Crey monsters, or 'scientists' as they like to call themselves - but is it truly worth letting one of them go due to 'special circumstances', 'national security', and 'pre-emptive presidential pardon'? Whoever this guy is, he's connected to people in high places.

Which means that he's got a long way to fall after you 'fix' this issue.

  • Prevent Dr. Hanzinger from gaining prosecutorial immunity!

The documents show that Dr. Henziger is still working within an off-site Crey testing lab in the nearby vicinity. From the looks of it, the good doctor's snitching hasn't been found out yet by his fellow employees. You could probably use this to your advantage as you track him down... and silence him permanently.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You still need to break into the nearby Crey laboratory and track down Dr. Hanziger. From the looks of it, the good doctor's snitching hasn't been found out yet by his fellow employees. You could probably use this to your advantage as you track him down... and silence him permanently.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take out Dr. Jonas Hanziger!