Mission:Tip - Dr. Aeon's Science Convention

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Dr. Aeon's Science Convention (30-39)

You find a flier detailing a science convention to be held by Dr. Aeon in the main square of Cap au Diable - it's fairly gutsy of him, you'll admit. You go to investigate to see it filled with minor devices - mostly just Aeon showing off his new NutriPaste product. However while you're there, you overhear Marshal Brass speaking to another Arachnos agent...

Listen up and listen up good, runt!

We've got a serious problem on our hands. That thorn Amanda Vines has been kidnapped by the vigilante Sky Dragon. Now, we checked it out - he's not holding her in his warehouse in Paragon, he's got her here in the Isles, somewhere in St. Martial. From the looks of it, he's trying to use his powers to twist Amanda Vines' mind to give her psychic abilities. Which may or may not be something she wants - but we can't have that.

You need to get in there and get her out! You fail and it means I'll have to pay some super-powered jerk to get her back instead!

This could certainly be something you can use to your advantage. Sky Dragon is known for having many priceless items - gathered both from his journeys around the world and also given to him from his masters. If he's here in the Isles, it means that warehouse of his is currently unguarded, just waiting for someone to go take everything from there. You'd have to make sure no one else gets the idea before you.

Of course...there's also the possibility of money to be made. You wouldn't be able to sell Sky Dragon's artifacts on the open market - they'd be too easy to trace back to him, and you. But if you were to knock out that Arachnos guard and save Amanda Vines, you'd be able to earn some points with Arachnos - and, much more importantly, a good amount of money.

Villain Acceptance


Sky Dragon has taken somewhat of a fall from grace recently - you've heard some reports of his antics within Paragon City. The fact that he's operating now in the Isles must mean he's either getting desperate or hungry for power.

Too bad for him that he'll be returning to an empty warehouse - if you have anything to say about it.

Rob Sky Dragon's warehouse!

You'll easily be able to hijack one of the Arachnos flyers to get you into Paragon - you can just tell the men you're serving Marshal Brass. From there it's just a matter of clearing out whoever is in that warehouse - it's safe to assume you're not the only one trying to rob it - in order to get yourself those artifacts.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You'll have to make sure to bring enough boxes to store those artifacts in - just in the event that Sky Dragon has more than you anticipated.

Mission Objective(s)

You step inside of Sky Dragon's warehouse to see the tell-tale signs that the Tsoo have already arrived here. At least they were kind enough to get rid of any traps Sky Dragon may have placed.

  • Rob Sky Dragon's Warehouse!
    • 3 Artifacts to recover!

Defeat the incoming Circle Hunter! You've recovered all of Sky Dragon's artifacts - it looks like he may have had a thing for fighting creatures of the netherworld.


The Family

Notable NPCs

The Fight for Dark Astoria

You found some documents on the Tsoo guards in Sky Dragon's warehouse. They detail a plan by Tub Ci to combat the Banished Pantheon in Dark Astoria.

It would appear that Tub Ci believes he and his men can save this part of Paragon and ward off the 'evil spirits and their dead god' from entering this realm. Sky Dragon's artifacts were to play a key role in this task.

Bug! The Family are inexplicably fighting a Wailer here. Nothing in the mission references the Wailers, and the above dialogue suggests they're intended to be addressing a member of the Tsoo, so this is presumably a mistake.

The Seeker's Shield

You found a shield with an emblem of a panther on it. It seems that this is some sort of artifact to shield the user against the power of the Netherworld - some say one could walk into the very heart of the Netherworld with this and remain untouched. Others say those people are fools and would be killed instantly. There's really only one way to find out how well this artifact works, unfortunately.

The Seeker's Eyes

You found an artifact shaped like a tiger. It is colored black, with its eyes as white as pearls. From what you can gather, this artifact allows the user to see the auras of any evil creature from some distance - even through solid objects.

The Seeker's Blade

You found an ornate katana with a decorated hilt. There is an image of a panther with white eyes carved into the hilt. This artifact is said to be able to slice through any being made of pure negative energy - useful if someone were to be going up against dark spirits in the netherworld.

Ambush! When all artifacts have been recovered, the Circle Hunter will spawn. Circle Hunter: Those artifacts belong to the Circle, Character!


You return back to the Isles with some useful artifacts - considering all of the competition in the Isles, it'll be useful to have these items to weed them out, should anyone think of trying to one-up you.

Rogue Acceptance


While stealing Sky Dragon's items and selling them on the black market is tempting, you probably wouldn't be able to fetch much money for them, given that whoever obtains them will be hunted down like a dog by Sky Dragon and beaten into a pulp. Now...this other job, however, with Amanda Vines, can be profitable. Marshal Brass has been known to work together with freelancers from time to time - albeit work together might be a bit much, as he usually shows a great deal of disdain in asking for hired help.

If something were to...happen to that Arachnos squad going to rescue Vines, he'd have no choice but to pay you for her rescue.

Force your way into saving Amanda Vines!

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Unnecessary Solicitation

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Mission Objective(s)

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