Mission:Tip - Extremely Annoying Ring Tone

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Extremely Annoying Ring Tone (40-50)

You hear an extremely annoying ring tone in the distance that doesn't seem to be dying down. You ignore it for a few moments before finally moving to shut it off. The source of the ring tone seems to be a bright red PDA. You push a button on it to make the ringing stop, but something on the screen catches your eye - a link to a file called, 'Doc Quantum's Moral Questions'. You click on it...

You're brought to a webpage full of large blocks of text. Reading over it, it belongs to the villain Doc Quantum, who is writing up various questions regarding morality.

His latest write up is in regards of the value of human life. Doc Quantum describes that he has stolen an important piece of Portal Corp technology and has agreed to bring it back in exchange for the hero, Miss Thystle. He muses that this will see just how far Portal Corp is willing to go for their research - will they give up the life of this heroine just for technology?

You could look in to what lab Doc Quantum stole the technology from. It's probably stll recovering..which means you could swoop in there and destroy the remains of it - after taking everything in there for yourself. You'll summon in some...alternate dimension 'issues' for the people to deal with. It will remind them of your presence and show the people of Paragon that 'philosophers' like Doc Quantum are small-time compared to you.

On the other hand, Doc Quantum's days as a hero are officially over - not that any one hasn't suspected that for some time. The time of this posting was very recent - enough that you surmise that Doc Quantum probably isn't done preparing for the delivery of Miss Thystle. To make a large amount of cash you could find out where Doc Qunatum is, take him down, then change his deal to match whatever you want.

Villain Acceptance


You find which Portal Corp lab in particular was robbed - interesting enough, it is being housed in a Longbow base in the waters beneath Peregrine Island. As you suspected, it is still recovering - and vulnerable. A foolish move on the part or Portal Corp, given that there is still precious technology to be had within there. Precious technology that can be used by you against Portal Corp. Why not? The corporation isn't exactly using it themselves now...and it will certainly leave a lasting impression on the group when they have being from alternate dimensions flooding in. They will barely glance at Doc Quantum when you're done in there.

  • Destroy the Portal Corp lab!

+++ Missing Information +++

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

+++ Missing Information +++

  • +++ Missing Information +++
    • +++ Missing Information +++
    • +++ Missing Information +++

+++ Missing Information +++



Notable NPCs

  • +++ Missing Information +++


+++ Missing Information +++

Rogue Acceptance


Doc Quantum's fall from grace wasn't exactly graceful, per se, given the various experiments he has performed. But the man does have a talent for finding precious items. Whatever item he has in his possession must be quite important - and pricey. This could be just the thing you need to make a quick buck - or even use it to travel to other dimensions to make more money.

Given the fact that Doc Quantum is most likely with Arachnos, you might be able to...trick you way into the base of operations to get what you want. Perhaps by offering your service to help Quantum, you can get in deep enough to steal the items he has.

  • Trick Doc Quantum to get Portal Corp tech!

You make various calls to set it up so that Quantum and his men will believe you're showing up to be hired off as extra 'muscle' for the deal. They'll never see the betrayal coming. Hopefully.

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

You enter the warehouse to see Quantum and Arachnos are preparing things for the arrival of Longbow. You'll have to talk to the liaison first to set things up.

  • Trick Doc Quantum!
    • Speak with Operative Vargas!
    • Steal the Portal Corp Technology!
    • Defeat Doc Quantum!

You've got the Portal Corp technology - now you'll just need to escape from this warehouse full of Arachnos!



Notable NPCs


You escaped from the Arachnos warehouse with the technology in hand from Portal Corp. They won't have to send Miss Thystle over now - and you'll be getting something quite nice out of this deal - either money or a chance to go explore some of those alternate dimensions that people have been talking so much about.