Guilt-Stricken Trail of Blood |
Alignment Mission |
Type |
Alignment Tip |
Place |
Rogue Isles |
Available to |
Vigilantes |
Level range |
40–50 |
Choice |
Villain |
Guilt-Stricken Trail of Blood
Alignment Mission
You come across a trail of blood that seems out of place. Not only do you triangulate the direction the trail leads, you also have a friend on the force to run tests on a sample:
Blood/DNA Test Results: Analysis of this blood sample comes back with a 99.9% match pointing to Neville Hanks, aka The Slicer. A known serial killer, Hanks masquerades as a Longbow agent and lures his victims to a secret location and brutally murders them. Character, if you found Hanks, please hand over all your information so we can put him on trial! - Jenine
Put him on trial? That's exactly what you have in mind...
Villain: Give 'The Slicer' a... fair... trial.
You've come across a way to track down a sick and twisted perversion of what you can barely call a human being. This revolting creature dares to put on the guise of those who watch over the innocent, but rather than protecting them... He brutally slaughters them instead? And now your friend on the force suggests that you hand over your evidence so that he can be put through the mockery of a court system back in Paragon City?
Neville Hanks will be given a trial... but unlike the one he'd be given in Paragon, this one will make him pay for his crimes against humanity.
- Seek out 'The Slicer' and preside over his trial!
You were able to triangulate the direction Hanks was travelling towards when when he was injured. It seems he's holed himself up in some abandoned warehouse nearby. While he's still weak, now would be a good time to track him down and give him the trial he deserves before it's too late. You wouldn't want him to die before he faces the justice he's managed to evade all this time.
Unnecessary Solicitation
If you don't track down Neville Hanks before he recovers, he might manage to get away. And if he does, all the rest of his victims' lives will be on your hands, not his.
Mission Objective(s)
You can hear the sound of wailing and moaning coming from deeper inside the warehouse. Quickly! Get to The Slicer before he kills another victim!
- Find evidence that Neville Hanks is here
- Find Neville Hanks, aka 'The Slicer'
- Lead Neville to his Tormenters
Your work is done here. Neville killed himself rather than continue to be tormented by his victims. You're certain your friends on the force will find his body... Someday.
Notable NPCs
- Neville Hanks (NPC. Appearance: Longbow Officer. Description: "It's sickening just looking at this man. Even now, he's still in his home-made Longbow costume... Covered in countless bloodstains.
Before Combat:
- Spirit: ...Neville... We come for you...
Combat Start:
- Spirit: ...Leave this place, still-living...
- Spirit: ...It is too late for Neville Hanks...
Hank Neville's Diary interaction
You search through the bookcase and find what appears to be Neville Hank's diary. You skim through some of the entries:
'...screamed a lot. I don't like it when they beg...'
'...ripped my costume... why are they so mean to me...'
' many of my friends have left me?'.
'...was still praying for me as my playfriend went to sleep. I just wanted to keep playing fun game with my new friend...'
'...heard someone in my little funplace this morning. Woke up before they found me, so now I'm going to play hide-and-seek...'
' hidey-hidey should do the trick. No one will find...'
'...are they here? Have they come back to play with me...'
'...of them! ALL OF THEM! CALLING FOR...'
'...finding me. Can't run fast enough from...'
'...gotta run gotta run gotta run they're everywhere all of them calling me calling me...'
'...come back every day and call for me hiding hiding hiding from all of them calling for me why why what did I do what did I do I was just playing...'
'...keeps praying for me all the time STOP PRAYING STOP STOP STOP or I'll kill myself so you don't get me ever ever never ever...'
'...can't do it i cant do it too much blood my blood cantdoitandtheyllgetmenowhelpmehelpmeijustwantedfriends...'
- Find Neville and bring him to the ghosts...
Neville Hanks and Spirits dialog
Before Combat:
- Tortured Soul: ...Neville...
- Neville Hanks: No... Please... I just wanted to play with you...
Combat Start:
- Tortured Soul: will not avert his suffering, Character...
- Neville Hanks: I... I never played with you...
- Neville Hanks: ...maybe...
- ...the faces are all the same...
Once Freed:
- Neville Hanks: Are you going to hurt me, too?
Hank Neville conversation
They keep saying I've done bad things... I just wanted to play with them... I just wanted to play with my friends...
- Neville. I'll be your friend.
You'll be my friend? All of my friends are here and they say I did bad things and they scare me and they keep praying and they won't stop and they're hurting ME AND IT HURTS!
- I can make the pain go away, Neville.
I'm hurt... Hurt real bad. I didn't have anyone to play with... And my friends kept praying and saying I was doing bad things. So I used my toys on myself to make them go away BUT THEY DIDN'T GO AWAY!
- Let's play together, okay Neville?
You'll play with me? WOW!!! I'm very, very happy now! If you keep the bad friends away from me, I'll show you my toys! And I'll show you how I make smiles! Big, red smiles!!!
Maybe we can make smiles together? I'll give you one first, okay?
- Of course, Neville. Just follow me, alright? You'll be safe...
Neville Hanks and Neville's Last Victim dialog
Before Combat:
- Neville's Last Victim: ...Neville... Neville Hanks... Come to us... Come to use so that you can writhe in agony UNTIL THE END OF TIME!
During Combat:
- Neville's Last Victim: ...Character... Many here are waiting for you... Tooooo...
- Neville's Last Victim: ...His soul is ours... And your soul is wanted as well...
- Neville's Last Victim: ...Neville... We forgive you... We forgive you... Forever...
- Neville Hanks: No... They're praying again! STOP PRAYING!
- Neville Hanks: Character... Make them stop praying! You said you would be my friend!
- Neville's Last Victim: ...Neville... Neville Hanks... NEVILLE HANKKKKSSSS...
- Neville Hanks: My toys! If I make myself smile... Then - then maybe they'll be quiet...
- Neville's Last Victim: ...You are close... Come to use, Neville... We want to hellllllp youuuu...
- Neville Hanks: Look! I'm smiling! Just like my friends!
- Neville's Last Victim: ...Your time will come, too, Character... And we will be there in the end...
Neville Hank's reign of terror has come to an end. In a final act of cowardice, he slit his own throat rather than listen to his ghostly tormenters. In the end, he got a fair trial in which he pleaded 'Guilty'. You acted as judge, his victims the jury, and Neville played the role of executioner.
Justice has been served.