Mission:Tip - Just How Evil Are You?
Just How Evil Are You? (40-50)
You recieve a communicator message from the twisted Doc Quantum.
This depraved pseude-scientist has issued one of his famous moral challenges. The message reads:
I have prepared a fun little experiment that I know we will both enjoy. One of my favorite subjects, Hollow Point, has subdued three of Paragon's most patriotic heroes with the aid of his ex-Council cronies. I know these Virtuous Champions of Justice have probably caused you trouble in the past and I give them to you as a gift. Their costumes have been removed, their powers supressed. All you have to do is get into the sewers that Hollow Point and his ex-Council cronies are hiding ind and...well, it's up to you from there. They're waiting for your judgement, Character! Do with them what you will.
Oh, I almost forgot. There's a catch. You're not the only one I made this offer to. Best of luck to you.
You could enter the sewers and pummel those heroes sily as well as stop anyone who gets in your way.
Alternatively you could give those heroes a break and free them; they will definitely owe you a favor for saving their heroic hides.
Villain Acceptance
You don't rightly care who those heroes are. It's always a wise idea to eliminate you enemies when the opportunity presents itself. This might be some sort of trap, but you don't care. The bait is just too sweet.
- Eliminate weakened heroes.
+++ Missing Information +++
Unnecessary Solicitation
+++ Missing Information +++
Mission Objective(s)
+++ Missing Information +++
- +++ Missing Information +++
- +++ Missing Information +++
+++ Missing Information +++
+++ Missing Information +++
Notable NPCs +++ Missing Information +++
+++ Missing Information +++
Rogue Acceptance
Beating up harmless people has never been your thing. There's no satisfaction in doing something that requires so little effort. Not to mention these heroes could spread the word about you in Paragon City, plant the seed as it were. Heck, they might even reward you for your help.
- Get those heroes out of there.
It's all about looking out for number one. Sometimes that means making connections, building alliances. The fewer enemies you have, the less you have to watch your back. Helping out these heroes will definitely give you an edge.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You still need to rescue those heroes... connections don't grow on trees.
Mission Objective(s)
Hopefully you are not too late. You hear a bone cracking impact followed by a long muffled moan.
- Help Subdued Heroes
- Help Desdemona (Optional)
- 2 heroes to rescue
You freed the subdued heroes.
Notable NPCs
- Desdemona (Ally)
- Subdued Hero (Hostage)
- Mangle (Rogues Gallery Boss)

This ex-villain turned over a new leaf and became one of Paragon City's finest. She's clearly here after the same thing you are. Well, maybe for a different reason, but she wants the same thing. So, perhaps a temporary truce is in order.

The subdued hero thanked you for saving him and swore he would spread the good word about you in Paragon City.
Those guys were in truly bad shape when you found them, but you managed to lead them to safety. They were adequately appreciative for your aid and promised to tell others about your deeds.