The Unusual Suspect
Hero Morality Mission
You come across an updated posting of Paragon City's Most Wanted super criminals and are shocked to see the latest Number One most wanted - You!
The list of charges go on further than the box allows, but some of the highlights are: Terrorism, Extortion, Mayhem, National Security, etc. How it's possible for you to have done any of these things is completely beyond you. You have no choice - you MUST clear your name!
- Clear your name of all these heinous charges!
Soiling the famed city's inherently good name, Paragon City has made a mockery of its most wanted list with these bogus claims. By clearing your identity of these blatantly false accusations, you might just put the 'Paragon' back in 'Paragon City'.
Rogues see:
WARNING: This is a Morality Mission. Completing this mission will change your current alignment of Rogue to Hero, removing any progress you may have made on any other alignment. Becoming a Hero means you will no longer be able to travel to the Rogue Isles. It will sever all ties with the Villain world.
Are you sure you want to do this?
Heroes see:
WARNING: This is a Morality Mission. Completing this mission will maintain your current alignment of Hero, removing any progress you may have made on any other alignments.
Are you sure you want to do this?
- Yes, I want to clear my name of all these heinous charges!
You need to clear your name at once. It's obvious someone is trying to frame you for crimes you didn't commit. If you don't do this now, who knows how hard it'll be to clear your name in the future. Surely if you explain to the Police Commissioner, both of you can get to the bottom of this.
- Talk with the Police Commissioner to clear your name.
In order to clear up this misunderstanding, you'll need to walk down to City Hall and turn yourself over to the Commissioner. From there, you two can discuss what this is all about.
Mission Objective(s)
What's going on here? It looks like City Hall is under attack!
- Turn yourself over to the police to clear your name.
- Help the police!
- Defend yourself from Silent Blade
- Speak with your mysterious double!
Thanks, Character. I don't know what the world would do without you.
Notable NPCs
Police Captain dialogue
Once Freed: Character? But I thought you were already here!
- Didn't you turn yourself over to the Commissioner?
- No matter, I'm going to get backup!
Ambush! After freeing the Police Captain, Silent Blade will ambush.
Your actions have no honor, Character.
Combat Start: I take this contract not out of need for currency, but instead to wipe the stain of your existence.
First Blood: You have betrayed your own, and for this you will suffer.
75% Health: You could have chosen one path, yet you chose to be greedy. This is your downfall.
50% Health: Your craven nature brings you to fight. Why defend your lack of honor, dog?
25% Health: Hold! You are not giving this your all. Why is that?
Upon Defeat: We speak now, then we finish it.
Before I dispatch you as the honorless dog you are, I must know why you have taken such cowardly actions. Why do you attack your own enforcers of law?
- I have done no such thing...
And even now you lie. You not only shame yourself, but everyone who calls you friend. It is good that you planned on using that policeman as a hostage, or I would have suspected something different. His lifeless body has proven that you can not be trusted by anyone.
- What are you talking about? I saved the officer!
I am silent, not blind. I found the body of the officer further in. But yet... But yet I find you here. And you did not pass by me without my knowledge.
The wounds were caused by your powers, not one of these Maltese mercenaries' crude weapons.
Something is not fitting correctly here. How were you at two places at once?
- I'm trying to tell you. I'm here to clear my name.
My contract is to assassinate you, and I never break my word, for my word is my honor. Yet, my contract does not state WHEN I must kill you. I shall allow you to clear your name.... And observe.
Do as you must, Character.
Ambush! After speaking with Silent Blade, Your Mysterious Double will ambush.
What is the meaning of this? Silent Blade... You were supposed to kill Character, not accompany Character!
Your Mysterious Double dialogue
Combat Start:
- Silent Blade: Now... Clear your name.
- Your Mysterious Double: My Malta guards were not able to deal with you, it seems. Thus, it's left to me.
First Blood: I can still salvage this, however. All I need is your dead body.
75% Health: If you would be so kind as to JUST DIE ALREADY!?
50% Health: All this work! All the framing! Everything! RUINED!!!
25% Health: Wait... Wait... Maybe we can work out a deal?
Upon Defeat: Surely we can discuss this?
How could you take my identity, you false Character! And not only that, how could you dare brainwash me into performing these evil deeds!
If it wasn't for Silent Blade here, I would have been a goner. Thank you for saving me, the good Character. Now, do those dastardly deeds you villainous types do, since I am in no condition to stop you, being a heroic type and all. The assassinating thing you do. Now, get it over with.
Ha! Like Silent Blade is going to believe - AAAAaaarrrggggggh.....
Silent Blade: As I said... I am Silent, not dumb.
Silent Blade: The contract is fulfilled. You may leave, Character, for I have just dispatched Character.