Mission:Tip - Your Life Story! Wait, What?

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Your Life Story! Wait, What?
Alignment Mission
Salvage TipIcon.png
Type Alignment Tip
Place Paragon City
Available to Heroes and Vigilantes
Level range 40–50
Choice Hero or Vigilante
v  d  e

Your Life Story! Wait, What?

A secure e-mail titled "Character's Life Story" shows up in your inbox...

After reading the message over and over, you realize the sender knows quite a lot about you, but some minor details are off. Suddenly it hits you, the incorrect details are actually a code! Someone is sending a message only you will understand!

After decoding, it appears the message is from one 'Sister Jocasta' - a top-level assassin for the Knives of Artemis. She has stepped on powerful toes in her organization and needs a way out, fast. Her offer: If you extract her to safety, she will reveal some of the Knives' secrets (among others, how they know so much about you) in exchange for immunity from prosecution for her own many crimes.

Performing an extraction from an elite Knives of Artemis base will be tricky, but her information may be useful.

However, the thought of letting an assassin escape justice gives you pause, especially one so well-informed. Sister Jocasta has to answer to someone, and it might as well be you.

Hero Acceptance


Sister Jocasta has a long and sordid history of performing assassinations and espionage with the Knives of Artemis. Lucky for her you are willing to stomach the distaste of helping such a criminal out of a tight spot.

But rest assured, you will make sure that she tells the authorities everything she knows about the shadowy mercenary outfit. This all supposes, of course, that you can actually get her out alive.

Extract Sister Jocasta from the Knives of Artemis in exchange for her information.

Mission Acceptance

The Knives may already be planning to deal with Jocasta. There's no time to lose.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to get that thing taken care off we talked about earlier.

Mission Objective(s)

The mercenaries have chosen this location to avoid arousing suspicion. Hopefully you'll be able to get out without too much suspicion yourself.

  • Extract Sister Jocasta!
    • Extract Sister Jocasta
    • Defeat Silent Blade
    • Lead Sister Jocasta out

You've successfully extracted Sister Jocasta.


Knives of Artemis

Notable NPCs

Ambush! After defeating Silent Blade, another ambush of Knives will appear.
Hand of Artemis: "Stop that traitor!"


You extracted a Knives of Artemis informant in one piece. Hopefully she will prove to be a useful ally in taking down the Knives of Artemis.

Vigilante Acceptance


Sister Jocasta is a notorious assassin who's been involved in the internal power struggles of the Knives of Artemis for quite some time, squabbles you don't want any part in. If she wants your help, it's only to exploit it somehow. Her crimes cannot, and should not be forgotten.

Her message to you is enough evidence to convince the Knives that she's become too much of a liability to keep around any more. Roughing Sister Jocasta up will let others know you're not interested in being fooled by a villain. Leaving her message behind for the Knives to find means they'll take care of her themselves.

Force Sister Jocasta to pay for her crimes by exposing her as a traitor.

The Knives won't allow you to just walk in there. Be ready.

Mission Objective(s)

This is where Sister Jocasta said she'd be. Looks like the Knives followed her.

  • Deal with Sister Jocasta!
    • Leave behind Jocasta's message, Defeat Sister Jocasta

You've taken care of Sister Jocasta, a deadly mercenary assassin.


Knives of Artemis

Notable NPCs


You've taken care of a dangerous mercenary assassin, but through decidedly extra-legal methods.