Mission:Tipping the Scales - Part One: The Maestro's Symphony
Part One: The Maestro's Symphony
Mission Briefing
Calvin Scott's Unified People's Army and the Council are both working towards a common goal of taking over America and instituting their new rule. Calvin Scott's army doesn't have the same level of power that the Council has, which is why the Center and his army are leading the charge.
If we can cut down the Council, we'll take down Calvin Scott, too. According to the Zig records - and the original video broadcast from the Center - we'll have to contend with the Council's major generals: Maestro, Arakhn, Vandal, Archon Burkholder, and Nosferatu. The Center isn't an idiot, however; the UPA and the Council have spread out to attack major points all around Paragon City, forcing us to also spread out.
- I'll take on the generals, the others should handle the city.
Agreed. As we speak, Maestro is causing havoc in Founders' Falls. The Council have injured Numina and Infernal. Pendragon has gone ahead to prevent Maestro from escaping. We need you to get to Founders' Falls and stabilize the situation there, Character. Once that's done, Pendragon will bring Maestro to you.
Keep in mind that Maestro is very powerful. Pendragon won't last for very long against him alone. You can provide support to Pendragon by activating various mystic portals that Numina set up before the Council defeated her. Afterwards, you'll have to be prepared for a fight against Maestro.
This is our push, Character. We're going to beat the Council and Calvin Scott here and now. This is the first step!

Name: Vincenzo 'Maestro' Alferi
Background: Maestro was part of the original 5th Column before the Council overthrew it. Scientists in the 5th Column were going to restore his hearing, but the operation was interrupted by an Arachnos attack. This attack caused Maestro to have a permanent resonance in his body.
Maestro was previously incarcerated by a hero in Striga Isle. His outfit may border on the ridiculous, but his power is very real.
Unnecessary Solicitation
It's all on you now, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
Founders' Falls is in chaos from the Council's attack!
- Defeat Maestro
- Rescue Numina
- Rescue Infernal
- 2 Council War Walkers to defeat
- 3 Nictus to defeat
- (5 mystic portals to activate)
- Defeat Maestro
You saved Founders' Falls from Maestro and the Council!
Notable NPCs
- Council War Walker (x2) (Boss)
- Maestro (Elite Boss)
- Numina (Hostage)
- Infernal (Hostage)
- Pendragon (New Praetorians Boss) (Ally)

Pendragon's Offensive is as follows:
- Pendragon is fighting Maestro.
- Complete objective before Pendragon falls for a bonus.
- Heal Pendragon by activating mystic portals.

Provost Marchand sent you some data on the Nictus after your first encounter with one, not knowing if you've had previous experience with them.
Nictus are Kheldians that feed off of life energy. They have the ability to find 'hosts' to house their spirits. They're incredibly dangerous and, if left unchecked, could potentially destroy the world. It is believed that Arakhn, one of the Council's generals, is the leader of the Nictus. However, why would such a powerful person work under the Center?
Upon completing all objectives while Pendragon is still alive, you will be awarded the Pendragon's Ally Badge.

You were able to keep Pendragon from being defeated while he was fighting Maestro by himself.
Excellent work, Character! Maestro is now back in the Zig. I almost feel bad for him; the Council promised to return his hearing, only for him to turn into... this after an Arachnos attack.
The presence of Nictus indicates that Arakhn and her forces are at work.
Grant will investigate Arakhn; in the meantime, Riptide has sent in an urgent request for help in Croatoa.