Mission:To Save a Soul - Talk to Cadao Kestrel about his findings
Talk to Cadao Kestrel about his findings
Cadao Kestrel just called. He's finished studying those books you found on the Sicilian Stone, and he wants to talk to you about his findings. I think he may have learned why the Carnival of Shadows is after the stone.
Mission Acceptance
Cadao wouldn't say much to me on the phone. When you see him, tell him I thought he was mighty rude.
Talk to Cadao Kestrel
Unnecessary Solicitation
Cadao's waiting on you.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Cadao Kestrel
I have grave news for you, my friend. When you battled the Carnival at that library, they weren't researching the Sicilian Stone. They were simply trying to keep you from learning about it. You see, they already knew where the Stone was!
Do you remember that pendant the Carnival stole from Madeleine Casey? It was the Sicilian Stone! By the time you recovered it, the Carnival had already empowered the stone. When Madeleine Casey put it on, she began to gain access to the Carnival's memories. But none of us realized that the exchange was not one-way. Every time Madeleine Casey remembers something else, a portion of her soul is sucked into the stone. Then it is the Carnival's to command.
If we don't restore her soul quickly, it will forever belong to the Carnival. I know a ritual that may help, but I'll need some rare herbs.
Find the herbs
Unnecessary Solicitation
If Cadao sent you on an errand, I should know about it. What do you mean, you can't say?
Mission Objective(s)
According to Cadao, the herbs he needs only grow on the bones of the unburied dead. A chilling thought.
- Find the herbs
You got the herb.

This strange herb, found only on the bones of the unburied dead, is a bright purple in color. Cadao Kestrel hopes to use it to help you recover Madeleine's soul from the Sicilian Stone.
Take herb to Cadao Kestrel
Unnecessary Solicitation
Are you and Cadao plotting something, Character? Answer me!
Mission Objective(s)
- Take herb to Cadao Kestrel
Thank you, Character. As Madeleine Casey's soul is drawn into the Sicilian Stone, it comes more and more under the Carnival's command. The Madame of Mystery you have faced three times? She is none other than the psychic projection of Madeleine Casey's soul. In order to restore the soul to its proper owner, you must rip apart the psychic projection. No, not just physically. You must rip it apart on a psychic level. With this herb you have brought me, I will mix a draught that will give you the power to do so. Come back and see me shortly.
You and Cadao can have your little joke, but it's not very nice to leave your own contact out of the loop. I'm your best chance of dealing with the Carnival of Shadows. Why won't you talk to me?