Mission:To Save a Thousand Worlds - Extract the missing scientists
Extract the missing scientists
Ok, Portal Corporation analyzed all the data you brought us. It was a little sketchy, but we think we've narrowed down the location of our missing scientists. Now all you need to do is extract them.
- Extract the missing scientists
I have to warn you, the world we're sending you to is inhabited exclusively by the Devouring Earth. Chances are they'll make your job a little harder.
Unnecessary Solicitation
We need Portal Corp's scientists back safe and sound.
Mission Objective(s)
This lush landscape would truly seem like a paradise, were it not for the nearby presence of the Devouring Earth.
- Extract the missing scientists
- 6 scientists to save
You rescued the Portal Corporation scientists.

When you rescued the Portal Corporation scientists, they all seemed greatly confused. None of them could even speak a coherent sentence.
Notable NPCs
- 6 Portal Corporation scientist (Hostages)
Thanks for getting those scientists back for us. I only wish they were in better condition. I haven't been able to get a single straight answer out of them, they just keep saying things like, 'The carrot ate my socks.' Something has addled their brains, and we need to find out what.