Mission:To What End for Power - Finale: The Only Way It Could End

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Finale: The Only Way It Could End


Diabolique is stopped now, somewhere within a tunnel system that runs near the graveyard. She's probably gathering her power there.

I didn't get a chance to use the device Sinclair made before, but now, I will. I'm going to go into that tunnel system with you, Character, and set the device up at the entrance. It'll prevent Diabolique from doing her little vanishing trick.

  • Which will allow us to go after her.

Precisely. Ooooh, she is going to WISH she didn't cross me. Diabolique does NOT know pain like I do... and I will make sure to savor every delicious minute while I make her endure a ghostly pain like she never could imagine.

I'm done talking, Character, it's time for action. You had better bring everything you've got, because Diabolique is not going to hold back, not when she's cornered like this.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You're unable to reach Praetor Duncan.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map MOT DUNGEON.png

Praetor Duncan stands at the entrance, waiting to set up her device.

  • Destroy Diabolique
    • Speak with Praetor Duncan
    • Defeat Diabolique
    • ???
    • Speak with Detective Hopp
    • Speak with Ajax

Diabolique is destroyed and you've figured out a way to take the fight to Mot, once and for all.


Banished Pantheon
Talons of Vengeance

Notable NPCs


Alright, Character. I'll get the device going. If Sinclair is right, Diabolique will be trapped.

By the time you reach her, I should have it ready.

  • Alright.

I remember you, Character. We met some time ago.

I have... been in this city for too long. The place was once familiar to me, a home... I called this place home, once. I was... part of the police force here, just a rookie.

My grandfather was a police officer when the fog first rolled around in the 50's... he always warned me that it would come again, that I would have to be ready to defend our city.

The fog came, and so did the Pantheon, the zombies. I fought them... but to my shame... my shame...

I ran, Character. I heard their voices, calling for my help. But I was out of ammunition, it was suicide. I ran while I heard their voices crying out for me to save them.

Maybe that's... that's why I ended up back here, from that cursed case.

  • Detective Hopp?

Detective Hopp stares at you silently before walking away in a daze.

Diabolique: No... I've come too far... to have it end here!
Diabolique: I was supposed to do it all... it's not right... it's not FAIR!
Praetor Duncan: It's very unbecoming of you to throw a temper tantrum, Tammy.
Diabolique: Mmrph... I won't give you the satisfaction... of me begging... Duncan. I know... my time is finished.
Diabolique: You and... Character... can't last for long... I can't... I can't wait...
Diabolique: There will come a day... Duncan... Character... when your faces will be covered in pure agony...
Diabolique: I can't wait... for that day to come...

Diabolique is consumed by Mot


Third time we're meetin', huh cowboy / sweetheart? Gotta say, I'm happy to finally work together with a hero this time, I've spent way too much time with villains.

Editor's Note:

If you own the Bane of Ajax Badge, his second line is "I haven't forgotten that whole trick you pulled with that moronic MacArthur punk, but I've been told that I should be letting that lie in the past, so I am." Also, Ajax's first word will change depending on how many times you've met him in previous missions.

Looks like you took care of that ghost chick. Too bad, guess I got here a little too late to lend a hand against her. Anyway, as you probably saw yourself, this Mot creature just broke one of those 'barriers' of power where he can absorb anyone he wants, as evidenced by the Olympian and Diabolique.

You're probably safe for now; if you hadn't destroyed the Knives of Vengeance, Mot's power would've been way farther than it is at the moment. The guy orderin' me around has a proposal for how to help make you immune to Mot's abilities.

  • What's this theory?

The key lies in Cimerora. You found out that information about the Circle, yeah?

The guy givin' me orders said that you're supposed to play a key role in all of that, or that you already did, but now is this time when you go back and actually do it. I don't know, it's time travel stuff, which I frankly can't stand; almost as much as I can't stand the fact that I've been told not to say the name of the guy who's orderin' me around.

Now, the good thing is that theoretically if you travel back in time to Cimerora right now, you'll come back with barely a few minutes passed, if you're sent back to the right time.

  • Cimerora? From the Midnighter Club?

Yeah, exactly. Shouldn't be a problem, since you're already a member of the group.

When you get to Cimerora, you'll wanna talk to some chick named Sister Solaris when you get there. Things should be set up so that she's been told about Mot, and that you'll arrive in a coincidental time to deal with it.

The guy orderin' me around, said you'd know him as the letter writer, is gonna be there waitin' for you.

  • Very well.


Completing this mission awards the Hunter of Specters badge.


You worked together with Praetor Duncan to put an end to Diabolique, who was discovered to be working together with Mot.


Well, Character, things have wrapped up here, though I wish I could have destroyed Diabolique with my own hands. It's a little suiting that Mot consumed her, I guess; hopefully she's going to be slowly devoured for the rest of eternity. Fun!

It's been fun working together, I guess, but now I'm heading back to whatever is left in Praetoria.

You notice a hint of dissappointment in Praetor Duncan's voice.

Of course, I won't get any fanfare for helping to destroy Diabolique, given that TPN is rolling non-stop anti-Cole messages. But that's the way it goes when you're sitting on a position of power in a place that's collapsing!

You'll have to now travel back in time and find Sister Solaris in order to combat Mot.