Mission:To What End for Power - Part Two: The Ancient Guardians
Part Two: The Ancient Guardians
Ah, little Diabolique, you can keep running from us, but you can't hide. No, eventually we'll find you and get you.
It looks like she's in some sort of cavern system beneath Dark Astoria. Maybe it has something to do with those Circle of Thorns she mentioned. Anyway, Character, I'll give you the location, you go there and nab Diabolique. Sound good?
You understand that this is going to turn into a wild goose chase if you don't have an actual plan of attack to capture Diabolique. You can't afford to waste time chasing Diabolique when you still don't have a solution against Mot. If the creature sent Diabolique to investigate the Circle of Thorns, then perhaps there is something else in this place that could be a clue towards stopping Mot.
- Alright, give me the coordinates.
Mission Acceptance
Oh, you're such a good little boy / girl, Character. Here is how you can get into this cave system.
29 will be going along to help you, as I've decided to keep myself out of direct combat for the time being.
You decide that, if you can, it would be best to try to get as much information as you can out of Diabolique regarding Mot. You know that she's going to escape at any rate, since you don't have a plan; you might as well use that to your advantage and trick her into revealing more information in the form of gloating. You'll have to be prepared for anything down there, however; it may even be best for you to contact those who you trust to aid you.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You don't need to check in with me, Character. I trust you and Oly are doing just fine.
Mission Objective(s)
This part of Oranbega seems more... dead than usual. Up ahead you can hear the sounds of combat. It could be Diabolique, or someone else looking for answers.
- Uncover Information from the Circle of Thorns
- Track down whoever else is in the caverns
- Find Diabolique
- ???
- Speak with Madame Bellerose
- Find information the Circle has on Mot
- Defeat the Keres
You discovered that the Circle of Thorns sealed Mot back in the time of Cimerora!
Notable NPCs
- Olympian 29 (NPC Ally)
- Ajax (rescued captive)
- Madame Bellerose (rescued captive)
- Diabolique (non-combat NPC)
Character. I am Olympian 29, one of Emperor Cole's Olympian Guard. I am here on behalf of Praetor Duncan. We believe that a woman we are tracking, named Diabolique, is within this facility. However, I've determined this to be an extremely dangerous area. I would suggest that you and I join together. I am here strictly to recover Diabolique, and not to hamper your efforts.
- How do I know I can trust you?
Because we are both after the same thing, in a sense. Praetor Duncan believes Diabolique's presence here has something to do with the Talons of Vengeance appearing, which would tie in with these Knives of Vengeance. Emperor Cole himself has ordered Praetor Duncan and myself to get to the bottom of this. The Emperor has no desire to see Primal Earth destroyed by a god of death, Character. For the will of the Emperor, I will not allow Mot or anyone else to destroy Primal Earth.
- Alright, But where is Praetor Duncan?
Praetor Duncan is in a safe location within Primal Earth. Her safety is of the utmost concern of mine, as ordered by her. She is currently monitoring all of my activities, including the conversation you and I are currently having.
- Alright, Olympian 29, let's work together.
- I'm not going to work with you

This part of Oranbega seems more... dead than usual. Up ahead you can hear the sounds of combat. It could be Diabolique, or someone else looking for answers.
'Let's skip the chit-chat. You're here to find out what the Circle knows. I was, too, although he had a feeling you would show up, too. Told me if you did that I should leave things in your hands. That guy really ticks me off sometimes.
Anyway, the Circle are all gone here. Like, gone gone. This Mot thing just up and absorbed all the souls of the dead Oranbegans that wander around here. It's why the Circle split; those guys were supposed to be the guardians of this creature, or at least that's what he told me. Normally when one of 'em dies, their spirit just leaves their thorn and they wait to take someone else. But now with Mot and the Pantheon, all the cards are out on the table, and the Circle are getting beat.
But there's info here about how this all began. That's what Mot's afraid of, and probably why he sent that ghost chick here. Anyway, I'm out, though we'll probably meet again before this is all over, with my luck.'
You... Character... we meet again, don't we?
Madame Bellerose's face looks much different than the first time you met her. It looks like she hasn't slept for days, red veins covering the whites of her eyes.
The city... it never forgets. Even after all I've done to get away from it... away from my birthplace... away from the deaths of my family... it still hasn't forgotten me. I see them, even now, right behind you. Their heads in their hands, yelling at me for killing them.
All the people I've killed... to get to where I am... to become an Incarnate. They follow me, they hound me at every turn. The city wanted me back, they wanted me back, you see. Some sort of... powerful magic.
I can't leave this city. I wanted to, before, but now... now I want to get to the heart of it. They want me to get there, too. My father and mother beg me to do it, for them, for their lives...
- Bellerose? Snap out of it!
Madame Bellerose stares at you silently before vanishing in a puff of smoke.
Diabolique phases partially out of reality to ensure that you cannot attack her before speaking.
Character, the 'legendary' incarnate. I suppose Praetor Duncan told you I'd be here. It's annoying that she can know where I am at all times, but it doesn't matter.
She doesn't know how to trap me, and I've made sure that all the little tricks that worked on that pathetic Numina won't work on me. So, shall you and I fight now, Character? Do you truly wish to test my true power?
- You have me beat, Diabolique, I understand that. How did you manage all of this?
A slow grin appears on Diabolique's face as she moves a spectral hand around your face.
It's a pity, Character. I was hoping you'd have more... fight in you. It was all simple, really... I felt called here when I left First Ward. I could feel the presence of Mot trying to just... burst through into Dark Astoria.
I offered my services to it, of course. It is a god of death, and I am one who can control death. We'd make the perfect pair!
Mot accepted my request to worship it... and now, I can move as freely as I want. It was quite pleased to see all the death that resulted in just my mere presence... the Talons of Vengeance... followed by the Knives of Vengeance... it left Mot plenty of time to deal with these Circle of Thorns!
- But yet you're here now, looking for something.
Diabolique's grin turns into a snarl at your words.
... You're clever, Character. Very clever indeed. I won't reveal anything else to you. Mot had a plan for you within here...
You can feel Diabolique sizing up your power as an Incarnate. She takes a step back, as if realizing your full potential. In the distance you can hear the shrill cry of the Keres, indicating that a powerful member from the Talons of Vengeance has arrived to claim Diabolique.
... but I believe that plan can be put on hold. Goodbye, Character, we will meet again, very soon!
- Run along, Diabolique.

You found several books written by the Circle of Thorns regarding Mot, the god of death. You look over them and get an immediate understanding that Mot is the Circle's worst enemy; it has the ability to destroy them on a permanent basis, absorbing their souls within his form.
One book describes a battle with Mot back in the time of Cimerora. The battle, as described here, was massive, as Mot's power had grown out of control. Thousands of Oranbegans were utterly destroyed, but in the end, they managed to contain Mot.
The Oranbegans discovered that Mot could not be killed. It had become death itself, and thus its own death only revived the beast. They bound Mot into an idol, knowing that with each day their bindings grew weaker and weaker. It was still able to absorb power from the death and suffering of others, but the bindings in the idol bought them time.
The remaining Oranbegans gave their lives to strengthen the idol, sending a message to whoever was nearby to recover the idol. All that is known afterwards is that the idol somehow ended up within the land of America, where other members of the Oranbegans erected a powerful magical seal to bind Mot. Their spell was such that it had to be strengthened periodically, which would be indicated by fog spewed by the runes, making it difficult for Mot's followers to locate it.
The last passage in a book indicates regret on the part of the Circle, saying that they have failed to contain Mot. The attacks from the Rikti, along with the Banished Pantheon's meddling, prevented them from strengthening the seal. Too much of Mot's power had poured out for it to be contained. The writer says...
'Mot will be released, stronger than ever; there is more war and death than ever. It will destroy everything. Perhaps it is suiting. We have fallen far ever since the rebellion of Mu'Rhakmet. When Mot arises, all of our spirits who are near will be destroyed, and once its power spreads, the whole world shall join us in our sin.'

You fought and defeated a Keres of the Talons of Vengeance within Oranbega. The creature, like the previous one you fought, noted that it knew you and that you were the reason for Mot's presence here.
You discovered that the Circle of Thorns are currently being wiped out by Mot's power, but that they had once sealed him back in the time of Cimerora. Diabolique fled from First Ward with her freedom and formed an alliance with Mot, hoping to gain even more power than she already has. She has become, possibly, one of Mot's major 'lieutenants' and is helping it spread chaos and destruction throughout the world. With this information known, you call up Praetor Duncan. The time is now to figure out a way to capture Diabolique, then recover whatever information you can about how to reseal Mot.
It's possible that the Tsoo might be able to help you; they will have to be the first resource you tap.
Character, she escaped again, didn't she? Well, you and I are in luck!