The Final Book: Chapter 25
Mission Briefing
(The third book of Trilogy opens to a random page) Character wished Mercenary was at his / her side, but he was busy with his own problems right now. Character would need to face this final battle as he / she faced the first one, with only himself / herself and his / her super powers at his / her disposal. Would it be enough? Character was confident that it would be.
- Turn the page of chapter 25 in the final book.
It was the final confrontation with Infinity, the leader of the robots, brother and murderer of her mentor, Epoch. Character stood at the entrace to the underground lab that Infinity used as a base of operations. This would be it. Infinity would pay for what he did, Character would see to that.
Unnecessary Solicitation
It was the final confrontation with Infinity, the leader of the robots, brother and murderer of her mentor, Epoch. Character stood at the entrace to the underground lab that Infinity used as a base of operations. This would be it. Infinity would pay for what he did, Character would see to that.
Mission Objective(s)
This would prove to be the final chapter.
- The Final Confrontation
- Hunt down Infinity
- Defeat Infinity
Infinity was a problem no more. Character would need to seek out Mercenary and tell him of what had transpired.
Notable NPCs
- Infinity (The Robots Boss)
Character gazed upon Infinity and met his steely gaze. They knew this would be their last encounter together, it would all end here and now. Infinity gathered his power.
- He / She didn't give him the chance. He / She powered up and took aim.
- Defeat Infinity
- 'Before all this ends, I need to know one thing: why?'
- 'Why? Of all the questions, how did I know you would ask that one? Epoch and I were not only brothers, but best friends. Until he had his 'accident'. All that power he gained, and he shared NONE of it! Spent his days practicing and training, learning how to wield that power he gained. What else could I do? I studied. I learned. I learned everything there was to know about mechanics and cybernetics. I pioneered that field! I created these robots simply to mimic what Epoch got for free! I worked for my power, and he... he,' Infinity trailed off speechless.
- 'He what?' he / she asked.
- Infinity was shocked. He was reaching for the word but it wasn't coming to him. Then he spoke without realizing what he was saying 'He went on to do great things. He was given a gift and he used it for good. I took my power.' Infinity started to get angry. 'I earned my power,' Infinity was very angry now. 'I demand my due respect!' Infinity was yelling now.
- 'I've got your respect right here,' he / she said as he / she prepared for combat.
- (Defeat Infinity)
- 'The power you assembled is worth of respect,' he / she said.
- 'How you used it, however, is not,' he / she said, unsure of how Infinity would react to that fact. 'Then the world will respect me! The world, will FEAR me!' Infinity grew in power, there seemed to be little chance of talking any more sense into him.
- 'The world will defeat you, and use me as its weapon!' he / she said.
- (Defeat Infinity)
- 'The world will stand up against you, but they can be on your side' he / she said calmly.
- 'And how, pray tell, do you think that is going to happen?'
- 'Use this army of robots you have,' said Character.
- 'Program them to make the world a better place. Program them to be a legacy of good for yourself, leave your mark. Show that power earned can be just as benevolent as power granted.'
- 'What will become of me then?' asked Infinity
- 'Immortality.' he / she said.
- 'Being a legend as the man who brought a new era of help and aid from your robot servants here,' said Character. 'I know you can do it, you just need to let go of your anger, your jealousy.'
- 'For a giant pain in the neck, Character you do speak truthful words. I will do as you have suggested, but I can not stay to see this through, the temptation to use the robots for personal gain will be too great. I will forever leave this place, but before I do, reprogram my robots to help the city and the valley. They will be my legacy. I thank you, and I say goodbye. I regret what I did to my brother, your mentor. I hope you can forgive me, as I can never forgive myself.'
- 'I will see to it that the world knows who to thank,' and with that Infinity surrendered.'
- 'Make good with your life. I do not wish to harm you should we meet again someday.'
- He / She spoke truthfully, 'If you try hard enough, the world will come around.'
- 'I think it will be easier just to destroy that which stands in my way, starting with YOU!'
- 'You think the world owes you respect, when you do not respect the world?'
- 'You only see destruction and death, when you have power to create and give life,' replied Character.
- 'How do you see me as a creator? How do I give life? I am Infinity! I take lives!' Infinity replied.
- 'Then try to take mine!' he / she fired, and the fight would soon be on.
- (Defeat Infinity)
- 'These robots, did you not bring life to them? Let them be your gift to the world,' he / she replied.
- 'Program them to make the world a better place. Program them to be a legacy of good for yourself, leave your mark. Show that power earned can be just as benevolent as power granted.'
- 'What will become of me then?' asked Infinity
- 'Immortality,' he / she said.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- 'He went on to become something good.'
- 'He did, and with power he didn't earn. I took my power. I earned it.' Infinity spat.
- 'Earned power doesn't make it superior. You killed him out of jealousy,' he / she spat.
- (Defeat Infinity)
- 'The power you assembled is worth of respect,' he / she said.
- 'How you used it, however, is not,' he / she said, unsure of how Infinity would react to that fact. 'Then the world will respect me! The world, will FEAR me!' Infinity grew in power, there seemed to be little chance of talking any more sense into him.
- 'The world will defeat you, and use me as its weapon!' he / she said.
- (Defeat Infinity)
- 'The world will stand up against you, but they can be on your side' he / she said calmly.
- 'And how, pray tell, do you think that is going to happen?'
- 'Use this army of robots you have,' said Character.
- 'Program them to make the world a better place. Program them to be a legacy of good for yourself, leave your mark. Show that power earned can be just as benevolent as power granted.'
- 'What will become of me then?' asked Infinity
- 'Immortality.' he / she said.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- He / She spoke truthfully, 'If you try hard enough, the world will come around.'
- 'I think it will be easier just to destroy that which stands in my way, starting with YOU!'
- 'You think the world owes you respect, when you do not respect the world?'
- 'You only see destruction and death, when you have power to create and give life,' replied Character.
- 'How do you see me as a creator? How do I give life? I am Infinity! I take lives!' Infinity replied.
- 'Then try to take mine!' he / she fired, and the fight would soon be on.
- (Defeat Infinity)
- 'These robots, did you not bring life to them? Let them be your gift to the world,' he / she replied.
- 'Program them to make the world a better place. Program them to be a legacy of good for yourself, leave your mark. Show that power earned can be just as benevolent as power granted.'
- 'What will become of me then?' asked Infinity
- 'Immortality,' he / she said.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- 'He was the better of you two.'
- 'Better? Hardly. His power, it wasn't earned. His power was a gift that he never questions,' Infinity frothed. 'My power, that I made myself, should make people respect what I have!'
- 'I've got your respect right here,' he / she said as he / she prepared for combat.
- (Defeat Infinity)
- 'The power you assembled is worth of respect,' he / she said.
- 'How you used it, however, is not,' he / she said, unsure of how Infinity would react to that fact. 'Then the world will respect me! The world, will FEAR me!' Infinity grew in power, there seemed to be little chance of talking any more sense into him.
- 'The world will defeat you, and use me as its weapon!' he / she said.
- (Defeat Infinity)
- 'The world will stand up against you, but they can be on your side' he / she said calmly.
- 'And how, pray tell, do you think that is going to happen?'
- 'Use this army of robots you have,' said Character.
- 'Program them to make the world a better place. Program them to be a legacy of good for yourself, leave your mark. Show that power earned can be just as benevolent as power granted.'
- 'What will become of me then?' asked Infinity
- 'Immortality.' he / she said.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- He / She spoke truthfully, 'If you try hard enough, the world will come around.'
- 'I think it will be easier just to destroy that which stands in my way, starting with YOU!'
- 'You think the world owes you respect, when you do not respect the world?'
- 'You only see destruction and death, when you have power to create and give life,' replied Character.
- 'How do you see me as a creator? How do I give life? I am Infinity! I take lives!' Infinity replied.
- 'Then try to take mine!' he / she fired, and the fight would soon be on.
- (Defeat Infinity)
- 'These robots, did you not bring life to them? Let them be your gift to the world,' he / she replied.
- 'Program them to make the world a better place. Program them to be a legacy of good for yourself, leave your mark. Show that power earned can be just as benevolent as power granted.'
- 'What will become of me then?' asked Infinity
- 'Immortality,' he / she said.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- He / She stood still, he / she waited for Infinity to make the first move.
- (Defeat Infinity)
Infinity Combat Dialogue
Before Combat:
- Infinity: Ah my greatest adversary, hopefully this will be short.
Combat Start:
- Time to die!
Upon Defeat:
- Impossible!
And so the sun set on the Valley, safe once again from the forces of Infinity. The days would be brighter, now that the shadow of evil was forever cleansed. Our heroes, Mercenary and Character looked forward to the coming days. No more evil robots.
Character wished Epoch could be here to share in the joy, but that was impossible. He / She knew that Epoch was smiling down upon them from wherever he was though, and that was a comforting thought.
The End.