Mission:Unai Kemen - Explore the new dimension
Explore the new dimension
I've got a job for you to do. Portal Corporation just located a new dimension. We're calling it Tau Delta 8-7 for right now, but the first person to explore it gets to choose the unofficial name. If you're up for it, that could be you. What do you say? Want to explore a brand new dimension?
- Explore the new dimension
When I say brand new, of course, I merely mean newly discovered. This world has had millennia to develop and grow on its own. It's possible you'll find just about anything there, so be on your guard.
Investigate the new dimension
Unnecessary Solicitation
I want to know all about that new dimension!
Mission Objective(s)
You hear a strangely unemotional voice say, 'I need to see those TPS reports.'
- Investigate the new dimension
- Seek clues
You learned the secrets of this strange new dimension.
Notable NPCs
- Worn Warhulk (Nemesis War Hulk)
This coffin contains the unburied body of Nemesis.

The epitaph on the obelisk read:
'I no longer have any hope of saving myself from this despicable disease. One thought alone consoles me: my creations will not allow a single thing to survive me. They will rule this world forever, alone, in the name of Nemesis.'
Return to contact
Unnecessary Solicitation
I need to know everything you've learned about that new dimension. You had better report in person for debriefing.
Mission Objective(s)
- Return to contact
There was nothing left on that world but old Nemesis automatons? What happened to all the people? I think we have to assume that the Nemesis of Tau Delta 8-7 did something terrible to his world. Character, I think you should go back. It could be that there are still people there in hiding, but they can't come out for fear of the automatons. If we allow Nemesis' leftover robots to run rampant across that planet, it'll be a dead world forever.
There have to be some sort of refueling machines in the area; even Nemesis' steam-powered creations can't run forever without some system for refilling their reservoirs. I need you to find those machines and eliminate them.
Disable refueling machines
Unnecessary Solicitation
I want you to disassemble every machine in that area.
Mission Objective(s)
The lively chirps of the Nemesis automatons grate against your ears.
- Disable refueling machines
- 4 machines to disable
You destroyed the refueling machine.
Notable NPCs
- Worn Warhulk (Nemesis War Hulk)
Good work, Character. I'll keep sending heroes to dimension Tau Delta 8-7, until we get the entire planet cleared of automatons. If there's one thing I've learned in this job, it's this: even if it's on another world, you never, ever leave a doomsday device in working order.