Mission:Void Sanction - From Within
From Within
- Accept the operation
The Major says nothing more
Go to dead drop Candlelight (Brickstown)
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mission Objective(s)
- Go to dead drop Candlelight (Brickstown)
Your orders packet includes a thumb drive and asks you to install the data on it on several Council computers to plant evidence that Archon Kruger is planning to betray them to the 5th Column. Then his elimination will uncover this evidence and simply be chalked up to an opportunistic Council member looking to clean up.

Detailed instructions on your target, Archon Kruger of the Council. Kruger is repsonsible for over 60 deaths in Paragon City in just a couple months. Also included in the packet is a thumb drive with Gigs of data that will make it look like Kruger was about to betray the Council to the 5th Column. Investigation into his murder will make it look like an enterprising loyal Council member did the job after uncovering this secret.
Void Sanction: Candlelight
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mission Objective(s)
Plenty of Council computers here to get the job done.
- Void Sanction: Candlelight
- 4 computers to access
You have planted the files to make Kruger look like he's about to betray the Council.
Void Sanction: Candlelight
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mission Objective(s)
This is Archon Kruger's base of operations.
- Void Sanction: Candlelight
- Defeat Archon Kruger
All evidence points to the Council doing this job themselves. Archon Kruger will kill no more.
Notable NPCs
Thinking over everything, you seem to remember some other non-Council files on the computers you accessed.

You recall some odd files on the Council computer.
You call in to let The Major know that the mission is complete.