Mission:Void Sanction - No Witnesses
No Witnesses
- Accept the operation
The Major says nothing more
Go to the dead drop location for 'Castle' (Brickstown)
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mission Objective(s)
- Go to the dead drop location for 'Castle' (Brickstown)
Opening the orders packet, it seems that they want a Crey VP to be eliminated and asked you to kidnap a Paragon Protector to make it look like it was an inside job. Once the VP is eliminated, make sure the Protector is taken out, too - no witnesses.

Detailed instructions on your target, a Crey VP named Juan Hernandez. Hernandez has run a black ops division of Crey for years, and a client of Void Sanction wants him removed. Your orders are to beat a Paragon Protector into submission and 'convincing' them to join you in the hunt for Hernandez. After they kill Hernandez with their powers, you are to eliminate them as well, leaving no witnesses.
Void Sanction: Castle
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mission Objective(s)
This facility should house a Paragon Protector you can use.
- Void Sanction: Castle
- Capture a Paragon Protector
Proving that you can beat this protector at any time, you instruct her to meet you in the lobby of the Crey building where the Crey VP works.
Notable NPCs
- Susceptible Paragon Protector (Crey Paragon Protector)
You have knocked the Protector into a state of unconsciousness.

You have defeated a Paragon Protector, convincing her to help you assassinate a Crey VP. She will meet you in the lobby of the VP's building.
Void Sanction: Castle
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mission Objective(s)
This is where you are to meet the Protector you 'convinced' to help you earlier.
- Void Sanction: Castle
- Acquire Protector
- Lead the Protector to Crey Vice President Hernandez
Scorch marks put the cause of death squarely on the Paragon Protector you brought along.
Notable NPCs
- Crey VP Juan Hernandez (Crey Executives Elite Boss)

The cameras in the Crey building may have caught a glimpse of you, but you are pretty sure that you are not blown yet.
You call in to let The Major know that the mission is complete.