Mission:Void Sanction - Wrong Number
Wrong Number
- Accept the operation
The Major says nothing more
Go to dead drop Spider (Brickstown)
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mission Objective(s)
- Go to dead drop Spider (Brickstown)
The package contains a cell phone and orders to place this on the body of ROFLSTOMP, a Freakshow who has been linked to 12 murders.

This cell phone is a Crey model 22X, about 3 generations ahead of the latest on the market. The flimsy case means it is probably not EM shielded yet and it just a prototype.

Detailed instructions on your target, a Freakshow leader named ROFLSTOMP. Also included in the package is a prototype cell phone that is unshielded and should emit enough EMP to fry the cybernetics of the Freakshow, which can be blamed as the cause of his death.
Void Sanction: Spider
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mission Objective(s)
This is the location of the Freakshow in question.
- Void Sanction: Spider
Placing the cell phone near his body, it causes the corpse to smoke and convulse uncontrollably. The poor EM shielding of the phone has definitely masked any evidence you were behind the crime.
Notable NPCs
You'd swear someone was watching you just then.

You'd swear someone was watching you just then.
You call in to let The Major know that the mission is complete.