Mission:What Schemes May Come - Part Two: Choosing Oneself
Part Two: Choosing Oneself
Hammond assumes a stuffy, condescending posture and begins pacing in front of you.
I believe it is time that I related to you the history of our order. When Martin Henri, the great prophet, was first visited by the spirit of his-
- I'm sorry to interrupt, brother, but I have something important to show you.
Hammond stops short, and raises a curious eyebrow at you.
Do you now? I am intrigued, brother / sister. Please explain.
- (Leave)
Unnecessary Solicitation
Hammond greets you with a patient, condescending smile.
Gathering the followers of the Truth takes time, brother / sister. Please have some patience.
What do you have in mind, brother / sister?
- I can show you, soon... can you gather together as many followers as possible?
If you believe it is necessary, then we can have tonight's sermon here, in the territory of the enemy.
Hammond's expression turns skeptical.
I do hope that whatever you plan on showing us is related to our struggle against Aeon. I would be displeased if we were wasting time on trivial matters.
- Trust me, you'll like this. (Start Mission)
Mission Objective(s)
Hammond has gathered his followers in Aeon City Square, and the area is swarming with Arachnos.
Time to show your stuff.
- Fulfill the Luddite Prophecy
- Speak with Brother Hammond
- Defeat Mu'Renar
- Defeat Operative Ellefson
- Defeat Blood Widow Beatrice
- Convince Brother Hammond that you are the Chosen One
You've convinced Brother Hammond and his followers that YOU are the Chosen One!
Notable NPCs
- Brother Hammond (Ally, non-combat)
- Mu'Renar (Mu Adept)
- Operative Ellefson (Wolf Spider Huntsman)
- Blood Widow Beatrice (Blood Widow)
Alright, brother / sister Character. I have gathered our priory here, at your request. What is it that you wish us to see?
- The forces of evil are here, brother. I plan to stand against them.

Operative Ellefson: My squads are in position. No one moves through Aeon City without me knowing about it.
Mu'Renar: Character must be made an example. No one can cross Arachnos in such a brazen manner, and live.
Blood Widow Beatrice: Don't worry. If he / she shows, we'll catch him / her. We came well-prepared.
Operative Ellefson: Fan out and search. Character has to be here somewhere.
Brother Hammond looks at you quizzically.
Impressive, brother / sister, but I don't understand why you called us out here. Your abilities are potent indeed, but they cannot stop Aeon's madness alone. Granted, you were able to defeat three of his lieutenants, but...
Hammond trails off as realization dawns on his face. His jaw drops and he stares at you incredulously.
Three... three evils defeated...
- Yes... ?
Hammond looks around him in awe, then turns back to you.
In the very heart of darkness. The center of the corruption! Here, Aeon City, the crowning achievement of the mad Dr. Aeon! I... I have a hard time believing this, brother / sister, but... but it all makes sense!
Risen from the shadows... how could I have been such a fool? Of course the Chosen One would be one of your, ah... questionable background. This... this is it! We are living in times long prophesied!
You, Character... great and humble brother / sister of our order... I believe you are the Chosen One.
Brother Hammond bows his head to you solemnly.
- Fantastic deduction, brother. I'm glad you have seen the... 'truth'.
Hammond is still visibly shaken by his 'discovery'. As you approach, he doesn't seem sure how to respond to you. He eventually bows his head slightly, in a nervous display of reverence.
Exalted brother / sister. I am... honored to be in your presence. The seekers of Truth will follow you in your quest to defeat Aeon and his empire.
I... I have very high hopes for these days now, Character. It feels as though our purpose is coming to fruition at last.