Part Two: Harbingers
We will hold a gathering on top of the haTE Sybil temple, Character, to decide what hoPElESS to do about this idol.
Imperious, Daedalus, myself, and, unfortunately, Sister Airlia, shall be desTRUCTiON in attendence. Imperious seems to believe she will be able to help us in every situation, but I have my doubts.
Would you mind holding onto the idol for a little longer?
Excellent. There will be, once more, a boat waiting to take you to the temple. I nO will be waiting with others oNE for your arrival.
I would come loVES prepared though, Character, we do not YoU know what could happen in these troubling times.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Let us hope we can come to a resolution.
Mission Objective(s)
You arrive YoUR deaTH at the Sybil iS inevITabLE temple. You can overhear the discussions already happening up above.
- Attend the Meeting
- Meet with the Cimerorans
- Fend off the Talons of Vengeance
- Speak to Sister Solaris to get to Cimerora
- Save Marcus Valerius
- 5 monsters of Romulus Augustus to defeat
- 6 Cimerorans to save
You saved Cimerora and gave the idol to Marcus Valerius!
Notable NPCs
Meeting Dialogue:
- Imperious: Character, thank you for arriving. Sister Solaris tells us you are in the possession of an extremely evil being.
- Sister Solaris: If something is not done, it will bring about the destruction of all mankind.
- Sister Airlia: I have seen the monster in my dreams. It is a god of death, impossible for anything short of a god to destroy.
- Imperious: As you have told me before, Airlia, the gods have abandoned Cimerora. We are on our own to destroy this.
- Daedalus: It is a dangerous proposal... But we could sail the item to the end of the world, to the Abyss, and cast out the creature there.
- Imperious: I shall do it, to protect our lands -
- Sister Airlia: If you go, Imperious, who will protect us from what remains of Romulus Augustus?
- Sister Solaris: That voice... it's a Keres! The Talons of Vengeance!
- Imperious: We will never give such a dangerous creature to you monsters!
Ambush Waves:
- Elementalist: Your time has come to an end, Cimerorans!
- Elementalist: Your civilization will fall!
- Elementalist: The idol will destroy the world. We will be the ones to handle it!
- Raider: It is too late, Cimerora burns!
Character, I will take the DiE DIe dIE idol, for the moment. We will have to enact our plan, and fast.
We will have reMeMBER yOU a fleet set sail with Marcus Valerius at the helm to sent the idol into the Abyss at the end wiLL reTURn of the world.
Marcus Valerius is one of the deSTrOY you champions of Cimerora and has the willpower to resist whatever is inside of this idol.
You must rescue Marcus, then help save Cimerora from NeVER eND the Talons of Vengeance!
You hand the idol over to Sister Solaris. Mot's whisperings cease.
Marcus Valerius Dialogue
Before Combat:
- Elementalist: You will die, Marcus Valerius!
Combat Start:
- Elementalist: The being from a different time! You will not save this land!
Upon Rescue:
- Marcus Valerius: I owe you my life, Character. I will return and help defend the Sybil temple.
Before Combat:
- Cimeroran: Cimerora will not bow down to you!
- Harridan: You have brought this upon yourselves, fools.
Combat Start:
- Cimeroran: The one from another time!
- Harridan: Do not cross us!
Upon Rescue:
- Cimeroran: You have saved us. We will not forget this gesture.
Before Combat:
- Cimeroran: It cannot end like this!
- Harridan: You have brought this upon yourselves, fools.
Combat Start:
- Cimeroran: Your fate is sealed!
- Harridan: Do not cross us!
Upon Rescue:
- Cimeroran: Marcus Valerius helped the civilians flee. We will go see who else is left!
Before Combat:
- Cimeroran: We have faced monsters before!
- Harridan: You had a chance to repent, and your leaders refused.
Combat Start:
- Cimeroran: The traveler from the future!
- Harridan: You cannot stop us!
Before Combat:
- Cimeroran: You will not scare me!
- Harridan: You had a chance to repent, and your leaders refused.
Combat Start:
- Cimeroran: You cannot defeat the traveller from beyond!
- Harridan: Our will cannot be halted!
Before Combat:
- Cimeroran: It cannot end like this!
- Harridan: Your civilization has become too corrupted to continue.
Combat Start:
- Cimeroran: It is Character, here to deliver you to your destruction!
- Harridan: This civilization will fall, you cannot stop this!
Upon Rescue:
- Cimeroran: Marathon was here before, he brought many civilians to safety!
Before Combat:
- Cimeroran: It cannot end like this!
- Harridan: You have brought this upon yourselves, fools.
Combat Start:
- Cimeroran: The traveler from the future!
- Harridan: You cannot stop us!
Minotaur: The power of Romulus expands ever further, YOU cannot stop us!
Cyclops: This is the strength of Romulus Augustus!
Minotaur: You were fools to think Romulus August would be destroyed!
Cyclops: You will be crushed!