Mission:What Was Lost - Part One: Demons and Gangsters
Part One: Demons and Gangsters
Man, as if we didn't have enough problems with Galaxy City, the Hellions are terrorizing a neighborhood nearby!
The majority of the Paragon Police Department are too busy trying to contain the situation in Galaxy, and we've got a ton of refugees in that area trying to take shelter.
We need your help in taking back that neighborhood, Character.
- Just tell me where to go and I'll help those people.
They're in... ah... one of the...
Matthew Habashy seems distracted for a moment. He shakes his head, gathering himself.
Sorry, they're in a neighborhood to the west of Atlas Plaza. You've got to thin out their numbers, then what remains of the PPD can take control of the situation.
Be careful, Character. These Hellions aren't your run of the mill gangsters. These guys are demon worshippers!
Unnecessary Solicitation
The PPD can swing in once you've given them some breathing room with the Hellions.
Mission Objective(s)
- Take the fight to the Hellions!
- Defeat 5 Hellions
You've thinned out the Hellions in the area.

One of the Hellions threatened you after you took him down.
'You all can't stop what's coming! We know what we're going to get. We've been told what's going to happen next!'
'Galaxy was just the first step. Atlas won't be far behind, you'll see!'
Thanks, Character. The PPD are on the scene now and handling the situation.
The Hellions said something about Atlas Park being next to fall? Seriously? Can't we catch a break?
If it's not meteors destroying the city, it's a group of demon worshipping punk cultists saying the end is nigh.
Looks like we're not out of the woods yet...