Multi Boxing

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Multi Boxing
aka [number] boxing: (dual box, tri box, quad box, etc.)
  1. A player using multiple computers to play multiple accounts, one client per computer.
  2. A player using one computer to play multiple accounts on multiple clients.
    • This type of multi boxing is called "multi instancing", as well. The current Homecoming launcher requires you to edit the options to permit you to launch more than one client on the same computer.

The Homecoming Code of Conduct places restrictions on multiboxing at busy times. In summary:

  • A user can multibox no more than three accounts.
  • If the server population for a single shard reaches 1,500 players, multiboxing needs to come to an end.
  • Once 1,600 players are present on a single shard, users multiboxing on that same shard after that point face account bans.

Exception: Raid zones for Hamidon, which have a population limit of 50 players (a league's maximum size is 48 players, leaving room for 2 out-of-league participants.) Multiboxing a Hamidon raid is prohibited.

It is on the user to check the population status using the forum Server Status page.