Mystic Overseer

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This is a Control auxiliary item.


Through the Overseer, you can call upon many spirits. Their guidance gives you more control for your base.

Additional Information

Mystic Overseer
Base Element Type Control Aux Item
Issue Added Issue 6, Updated Issue 13
Crafted at Advanced Forge
Salvage Required Icon clue generic.png 1 Snowflake Icon clue generic.png 1 Snowflake Icon clue generic.png 1 Snowflake

Icon clue generic.png 1 Snowflake Icon clue generic.png 1 Snowflake Icon clue generic.png 1 Snowflake


Icon clue generic.png 1 Snowflake Icon clue generic.png 1 Snowflake Icon clue generic.png 1 Snowflake

Attaches to Orbits of Control, Mystic Orrery
Tech Equivalent Advanced Holodisplay

Note: This is a ceiling item.


Issue Added Issue 6Issue 12
Crafted at Advanced Forge
Salvage Required 4 Salvage MysticElement.png Mystic Element
11 Salvage MysticFoci.png Mystic Foci
8 Salvage ArcaneGlyph.png Arcane Glyph
2 Salvage MagicalArtifact.png Mystic Element
Allowed "Aux" Items None

See Also