Option list (Slash Command)

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Slash Command


Lists names allowed for /option_set and /option_toggle

The list generated by the /option_list command is often out of date and contains errors. Use the Option Names List or the options.txt configuration file located in the game's Default Folder for a current list of available options.

Option Names in options.txt (and not in /option_list) Errors in /option_list
Automatically flip all cards.
Email Alert for Account Items
Hide Contact Icons
Hide Conversion Prompt
Hide Unclaimable Account Items
Lock Tray Numbers
Show All Enhancements in Stores
Classic Team UI

Output From /Otions_List

Generated 2/1/2024:

  • Option name: CursorScale
  • Option name: HideStorePiecesState
  • Option name: Hide Conversion Prompt
  • Option name: Automatically flip all cards.
  • Option name: HidePromptCatalyst
  • Option name: HidePromptBooster
  • Option name: OpenSalvageWarning
  • Option name: MapOptions2
  • Option name: MapOptionRevision
  • Option name: HidePromptUnslotEnhancement
  • Option name: NewCertPrompt
  • Option name: VoucherPrompt
  • Option name: Email Alert for Account Items
  • Option name: Hide Unclaimable Account Items
  • Option name: Classic Team UI
  • Option name: GmailFriendOnly
  • Option name: HideSalvageWarning
  • Option name: HideFee
  • Option name: NoXPExemplar
  • Option name: FriendSGEmailOnly
  • Option name: DisableEmail
  • Option name: AutoAcceptTeamLevelBelow
  • Option name: AutoAcceptTeamLevelAbove
  • Option name: ArchitectBlockComment
  • Option name: NoXP
  • Option name: ArchitectAutoSave
  • Option name: ArchitectToolTips
  • Option name: ArchitectNav
  • Option name: FadeExtraTrays
  • Option name: EnableJoystick
  • Option name: MouseScrollSpeed
  • Option name: DisableLoadingTips
  • Option name: ShowPlayerRating
  • Option name: LogPrivateMessages
  • Option name: DisableMouseScroll
  • Option name: DisableCameraShake
  • Option name: MouseButtonReverse
  • Option name: DefaultChatFontSize
  • Option name: ChatBubbleColor2
  • Option name: ChatBubbleColor1
  • Option name: BuffSettings
  • Option name: MapOptions
  • Option name: MousePitchSetting
  • Option name: ShowOwnerName
  • Option name: ShowAssistReticles
  • Option name: ShowVillainReticles
  • Option name: ShowPlayerReticles
  • Option name: ShowVillainBars
  • Option name: ShowVillainName
  • Option name: ShowPlayerBars
  • Option name: ShowPlayerName
  • Option name: ShowSupergroup
  • Option name: ShowArchetype
  • Option name: ToolTipDelaySec
  • Option name: CamFree
  • Option name: AutoDeclineTradeInvite
  • Option name: AutoDeclineSuperGroupInvite
  • Option name: RecipeHideUnownedBench
  • Option name: RecipeHideMissingPartsBench
  • Option name: RecipeHideUnowned
  • Option name: RecipeHideMissingParts
  • Option name: ContactSort
  • Option name: StaticColorsPerName
  • Option name: HidePromptCoop
  • Option name: DoNotSeeEnemyLocal
  • Option name: SeeEnemyBroadcast
  • Option name: ShowEnemyTells
  • Option name: HideEnhancementFullMsg
  • Option name: HideRecipeFullMsg
  • Option name: HideSalvageFullMsg
  • Option name: HideInspirationFullMsg
  • Option name: HidePromptDeleteRecipe
  • Option name: HidePromptDeleteSalvage
  • Option name: HidePromptDeleteEnhancement
  • Option name: HidePromptPlaceEnhancement
  • Option name: HidePetNames
  • Option name: TeamComplete
  • Option name: ChatEnablePetTeamSay
  • Option name: ChatDisablePetSay
  • Option name: AdvancedPetControls
  • Option name: ShowPetControls
  • Option name: PreventPetIconDrag
  • Option name: gShowPetBuffs
  • Option name: DisableDrag
  • Option name: EnableClickToMove
  • Option name: HideButtons
  • Option name: HideHeader
  • Option name: EnableChatLog
  • Option name: WindowFade
  • Option name: WebHideFriends
  • Option name: WebHideBadges
  • Option name: Show All Enhancements in Stores
  • Option name: Hide Contact Icons
  • Option name: Lock Tray Numbers
  • Option name: ShowPets
  • Option name: PromptTeleportFromTeammates
  • Option name: DeclineGiftsFromTeammates
  • Option name: DeclineGifts
  • Option name: ShowBallons
  • Option name: AllowProfanity
  • Option name: UseToolTips
  • Option name: CompassFade
  • Option name: Chat4Fade
  • Option name: Chat3Fade
  • Option name: Chat2Fade
  • Option name: Chat1Fade
  • Option name: ChatFade
  • Option name: MouseInvert
  • Option name: SpeedTurn
  • Option name: MouseSpeed