Seismic Blast

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Seismic Blast is a standard power set that is a primary set for Blasters, Corruptors and Sentinels, and a secondary set for Defenders.

"You can control the forces of the Earth. You can manipulate earth and stone to defeat your foes. The crushing force of many Earth Powers can reduce a target's Defense. Being of the Earth, you are the most powerful while on the ground. While grounded, your attacks increase Seismic Pressure. As your Seismic Pressure increases, your chances of triggering Seismic Shockwaves at your location also increase. While standing on your Seismic Shockwaves you will also be protected against knockback, repel and teleport, making it hard for enemies to move you. These Seismic Shockwave will have chance of knocking back foes and, while standing on them, empower some of your attacks. Rock Shards will have its area and target cap increased. Seismic Force will heal and grant temporarily increase your maximum HP. Stalagmite will deal a large amount of damage."

Power Table

Blaster / Corruptor / Defender

The Seismic Blast power set is available as a primary set for Blasters and Corruptors, and as a secondary set for Defenders. The following table shows the levels at which each power is available:

Power Level as Primary Level as Secondary Effect
Encase 1 1 Ranged, Light DMG(Smash), Foe -Jump, -Fly, -DEF
Shatter 1 1 Ranged, Light DMG(Smash), Foe -Jump, -Fly, -DEF
Rock Shards 2 4 Ranged (Cone), Light DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF, Special
Entomb 6 10 Ranged, High DMG(Smash), Foe -Jump, -Fly, -DEF
Seismic Force 8 16 Self +To-Hit, +DMG, +Special
Upthrust 12 20 Ranged (Targeted AoE), Light DMG(Smash), Foe -Fly, -DEF, Chance to Knockback
Tombstone 18 24 Sniper, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe -Jump, -Fly
Stalagmite 22 28 Ranged, Variable DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient, Special
Meteor 26 30 Ranged (Location AoE), Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback


The Seismic Blast power set is available as a primary set for Sentinels. The following table shows the levels at which each power is available:

Power Level Effect
Encase 1 Ranged, Light DMG(Smash), Foe -Jump, -Fly, -DEF
Shatter 1 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe -Jump, -Fly, -DEF
Rock Shards 2 Ranged (Cone), Light DMG(Smash), Foe -DEF, Special
Entomb 6 Ranged, High DMG(Smash), Foe -Jump, -Fly, -DEF
Seismic Force 8 Self +To-Hit, +DMG, +Range, +Special
Upthrust 12 Ranged (Targeted AoE), Light DMG(Smash), Foe -Fly, -DEF, Chance to Knockback
Gravestone 18 Ranged, High DMG(Smash), Foe -Jump, -Fly
Stalagmite 22 Ranged, Variable DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient, Special
Meteor 26 Ranged (Location AoE), Extreme DMG(Smash/Fire), Foe Knockback


SeismicBlast Shatter.png Encase

Encase a foe in stone for a short moment, dealing damage and lowering their defense. They will also become heavy, limiting their ability to jump and fly for a short time. Encase grants one (two for Sentinels) stack(s) of Seismic Pressure.

Damage Light(Smashing)
Recharge Very Fast
Sentinels only: Fast
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 1 (Blaster)
V archetypeicon corruptor.png 1 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 1 (Defender)
Archetypeicon sentinel.png 1 (Sentinel)
Effects Ranged
Foe -Jump, -Fly, -Defense
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Enhance Defense Debuff
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Ranged Damage
Accurate Defense Debuff
Defense Debuff
Universal Damage

SeismicBlast Entomb.png Entomb

Entomb foes in a big boulder, dealing high damage and lowering their defense. They will also become heavy, limiting their ability to jump and fly for a short time. Entomb grants one (two for Sentinels) stack(s) of Seismic Pressure.

Damage High(Smashing)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 6 (Blaster)
V archetypeicon corruptor.png 6 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 10 (Defender)
Archetypeicon sentinel.png 6 (Sentinel)
Effects Ranged
Foe -Jump, -Fly, -Defense
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Enhance Defense Debuff
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Ranged Damage
Accurate Defense Debuff
Defense Debuff
Universal Damage

SeismicBlast Gravestone.png Gravestone

Create a giant pillar of stone, creating a Gravestone around your target, dealing extreme damage and limiting their ability to jump and fly for a short time. This is a sniper attack, and is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted. If you are engaged in battle, this attack becomes instant-cast. If you are not engaged, it will do bonus damage. Gravestone grants two stacks of Seismic Pressure.

Damage High(Smashing)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level Archetypeicon sentinel.png 18 (Sentinel)
Effects Ranged
Foe -Jump, -Fly
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Ranged Damage
Universal Damage

SeismicBlast Meteor.png Meteor

You call down a meteor strike from the sky at a specified location. All targets within 30 feet (25 feet for Sentinels) are caught in the blast radius, taking extreme damage and being knocked back.

Damage Extreme(Smashing)
Sentinels only: Extreme(Smashing/Fire)
Recharge Long
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 26 (Blaster)
V archetypeicon corruptor.png 26 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 30 (Defender)
Archetypeicon sentinel.png 26 (Sentinel)
Effects Ranged (Location Area of Effect)
Foe Knockback
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Knockback Distance
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Ranged AoE Damage
Universal Damage

SeismicBlast RockShards.png Rock Shards

You launch a volley of stone shards at your target in a sweeping cone. These shards stab into the target, causing lethal damage. They will also continue to suffer additional lethal damage over time. If affected by Seismic Shockwaves, this power will halt the shockwaves, the damage over time duration will be doubled, the target cap increased to 16 and arc will be increased to 120 degrees. Rock Shards grants one stack of Seismic Pressure.

Editor's Note:

Sentinels only: You launch a volley of stone shards at your target in a sweeping cone. These shards stab into the target, causing lethal damage. They will also continue to suffer additional lethal damage over time. If affected by Seismic Shockwaves, this power will halt the shockwaves, the up front damage will be increased and damage over time accelerated, foes will be knocked down, range will be increased to 60ft and arc to 40 degrees. Rock Shards grants one stack of Seismic Pressure.

Damage Light(Lethal)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 2 (Blaster)
V archetypeicon corruptor.png 2 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 4 (Defender)
Archetypeicon sentinel.png 2 (Sentinel)
Effects Ranged (Cone)
Foe -Defense, Special
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Enhance Defense Debuff
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Ranged AoE Damage
Accurate Defense Debuff
Defense Debuff
Universal Damage
Enhanced Rock Shards

30.6% increased damage scale, chance for Knockback, increased area.

If affected by Seismic Shockwaves, this power will halt the shockwaves, the up front damage will be increased and damage over time accelerated, foes will be knocked down, range will be increased to 60ft and arc to 40 degrees.

SeismicBlast Aim.png Seismic Force

Greatly increases the chance to hit of your attacks for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage and range. If affected by Seismic Shockwaves, this power will halt the shockwaves, heal you and increase your maximum Hit Points for a short time.

Editor's Note:

Sentinels only: Greatly increases your attacks' chance to hit for a few seconds. Slightly increases damage and range. If affected by Seismic Shockwaves, this power will halt the shockwaves and will decrease the cooldown of all recharging Seismic Blast attacks by a moderate amount.

Recharge Long
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 8 (Blaster)
V archetypeicon corruptor.png 8 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 16 (Defender)
Archetypeicon sentinel.png 8 (Sentinel)
Effects Self +To-Hit, +Damage, +Range (Sentinels only), +Special
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance ToHit Buff
Set Categories To Hit Buff
Enhanced Seismic Force

50% reduced cooldown, reduce current cooldown time of other Seismic Blast powers

If affected by Seismic Shockwaves, this power will halt the shockwaves and will decrease the cooldown of all recharging Seismic Blast attacks by a moderate amount.

SeismicBlast Encase.png Shatter

Cover a foe in stone shards and shatter them, inflicting light damage and lowering their defense. They will also become heavy, limiting their ability to jump and fly for a short time. Shatter grants one (two for Sentinels) stack(s) of Seismic Pressure.

Damage Light(Smashing)
Sentinels only: Moderate(Smashing)
Recharge Fast
Sentinels only: Moderate
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 1 (Blaster)
V archetypeicon corruptor.png 1 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 1 (Defender)
Archetypeicon sentinel.png 1 (Sentinel)
Effects Ranged
Foe -Jump, -Fly, -Defense
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Enhance Defense Debuff
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Ranged Damage
Accurate Defense Debuff
Defense Debuff
Universal Damage

SeismicBlast Stalagmite.png Stalagmite

You can cause a Stalagmite to erupt under an enemy dealing minimal Lethal damage, and Disorienting them for a good while. You must be on the ground to activate this power. If affected by Seismic Shockwaves, this power will halt the shockwaves and deal extreme damage. Stalagmite grants one stack of Seismic Pressure.

Damage Variable(Smashing)
Recharge Slow
Sentinels only: Moderate
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 22 (Blaster)
V archetypeicon corruptor.png 22 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 28 (Defender)
Archetypeicon sentinel.png 22 (Sentinel)
Effects Ranged
Foe Disorient, Special
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Enhance Disorient Duration
Set Categories Ranged Damage
Universal Damage
Enhanced Stalagmite

217.9% increased damage scale.

If affected by Seismic Shockwaves, this power will halt the shockwaves and deal extreme damage.

SeismicBlast Snipe.png Tombstone

Create a giant pillar of stone, creating a Tombstone around your target dealing extreme damage and limiting their ability to jump and fly for a short time. This is a sniper attack, and is best fired from a distance as it can be interrupted. If you are engaged in battle this attack becomes instant-cast. If you are not engaged, it will do bonus damage. Tombstone grants one stack of Seismic Pressure.

Damage Extreme(Smashing)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 18 (Blaster)
V archetypeicon corruptor.png 18 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 24 (Defender)
Effects Sniper
Foe -Jump, -Fly
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Reduce Endurance Cost
Reduce Interrupt Time
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Ranged Damage
Sniper Attacks
Universal Damage

SeismicBlast Upthrust.png Upthrust

You channel seismic energy into the earth, causing a micro-fault to erupt under your target. This causes a shard of rock to thrust upward out of the ground, dealing smashing damage and lowering their defense. Affected foes will become heavy, limiting their ability to jump and fly for a short time. The force of the eruption can knockback enemies. Upthrust grants one (two for Sentinels) stack(s) of Seismic Pressure.

Damage Light(Smashing)
Recharge Slow
Minimum Level Archetypeicon blaster.png 12 (Blaster)
V archetypeicon corruptor.png 12 (Corruptor)
Archetypeicon defender.png 20 (Defender)
Archetypeicon sentinel.png 12 (Sentinel)
Effects Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)
Foe -Fly, -Defense, Chance to Knockback
Enhancements Enhance Accuracy
Enhance Damage
Enhance Defense Debuff
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Knockback Distance
Enhance Range
Increase Attack Rate
Set Categories Ranged AoE Damage
Accurate Defense Debuff
Defense Debuff
Universal Damage


This section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.