Shipping Manifest
Shipping Manifest | |
Independence Port | |
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Type | Tour Guide Tip |
Place | Independence Port |
Available to | Heroes, Vigilantes, and Rogues |
Level range | 1–50 |
Shipping Manifest is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Independence Port.
IP Address
Exploration Mission
Independence Port sees most of Paragon City's maritime traffic, particularly regarding the import and export of commercial goods.
These manifests detail the specifics of shipment, vessels, their contents, clientele, as well as destinations, prior and future. As such, they are good sources of information when it comes to following the movement of shipments, particularly ones that are likely of questionable legality.
- Investigate leads in Independence Port.
- Keep your schedule free.
Too Busy
Your mind is preoccupied with thoughts of your other tasks. Being unable to focus, all the manifest details start looking the same.
No More Missions
You turn the manifest over to find it blank. It seems the local villains are wising up to your methods, as they have stopped carrying incriminating shipping manifests with them. Not that it matters, being quite experienced with the port by now.

You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Independence Port.
Crey Havoc
Picking up a water-damaged manifest, there is the Crey Industries emblem on it, albeit a bit washed out. You were not aware of any local Crey activity in Independence Port...
Checking the address on the manifest, you notice it is located on the far side of the Valor Bridge, adjacent to Terra Volta. If your recollection holds, there was nothing but wreckage in that direction. No Crey-related investigation goes to waste, The decision is made to go check the suspicious location.
- See results of Crey Havoc.
Rumors have it that Independence Port's most famous...attraction(?), the colossal octopus, 'Lusca', was born from a Crey experiment gone awry.
You are beginning to connect the dots and suspect your hunch is on the mark.
Mission Objective
- Inspect Crey facility wreckage

Crey had a facility in Independence Port for several years, but an industrial accident has permanently closed it.
You hold up the heavily-worn manifest. This is clearly very old...the font and formatting differ greatly from the style used by today's vessels. The last checkpoint this slip was stamped on was Valor Bridge. While looking in the direction of the large structure, it is pretty well known as being the place where the colossal Atlas made his last stand.
What would it be like to see the city from his height? Maybe viewing the area from a high vantage point would be sufficient to understand how Atlas might have perceived the city he gave his life for.
- See as the Valorous Atlas did.
The highest point on the Valor Bridge would actually do quite nicely, with the bonus of being historically fitting for your little pilgrimage.
Perhaps, if only for just a moment, you can share in the way Atlas experienced his world.
Mission Objective
- See through the eyes of Atlas

The titanic hero Atlas fell at Valor Bridge, protecting the city from invasion.
This is certainly an interesting find. A shipping manifest is cleanly contained inside a plastic resealable bag marked PPD Evidence #IP0-1615.80.0-1872. There is a sticker on it that reads:
Criminal known as 'Malaise' was utilizing this warehouse as his hideout. Evidence within led to Sister Psyche finally catching and subduing the psychic villain.
You do recall that the once-Vindicator known as Malaise was a criminal in this area. Little tidbits like this are great, Time to check out that listed warehouse yourself. None will be your equal in Paragon City trivia!
- See site of Vigorous psychic battle.
Independence Port sure has seen its share of psychics over the years...
The late Sister Psyche, Aurora Borealis, Malaise, and now Penelope Yin? No real reason comes to mind on why that might be, it is just interesting how things work out sometimes.
Mission Objective
- Uncover Malaise's former hideout

Sister Psyche's greatest nemesis was the insane Malaise. When she finally apprehended him, she found a confused soul in search of release. Using her mental powers, she switched Malaise's dual personalities, bringing the benevolent one to dominance. Then she took him under her wing for observation.
Air Lifter
These stolen manifests note supplies marked to be airlifted to the Terra Volta gate. With Valor Bridge as... unmanaged as is currently, it stands to reason that the reactor technicians are not commuting by automobile into a literal hazard zone.
Time to review these operational methods for yourself.
- Inspect Air Lifter methodology.
You guess if anyone were footing this bill, it would be Freedom Corps acting as an escort. They are an impressive blank check for funding and one cannot begin to imagine where all the money comes from.
Oh well, this is the reason why you rescue accountants instead of being one.
Mission Objective
- Witness Terra Volta travel methods

This is where workers in Terra Volta are air lifted in. From here, they're taken by several Longbow skiffs into the heart of the reactor.
Dead End
You are alarmed as this manifest is clearly stained with blood. Ominous. Flipping it over, there are a set of instructions written:
"We have ourselves an upstart who had the nerve to think they'd gotten away with double-crossing Strong Patty. When they arrive, have Handsome Josh give them my 'regards'. Show them the full hospitality of the Family."
Sounds like the Family are using somewhere in the port to eliminate problematic elements in their operations. This shipping destination is a good clue as to where that might be; it is worth the search.
- Find the Family's Dead End.
Judging by the look of things, the unfortunate individual was sent out on delivery entirely unaware that he himself was the shipment. Pretty in-line with what you would expect from the Family and their methods.
Mission Objective
- Locate Family's disposal point

More than one unlucky individual has met his end in this area of the 'Cargo Maze.' The Family is known for luring their victims into this area before 'icing' them. It's easy enough for them to get away with it, as not many heroes wander around this area.
Family Partier
An unusual parcel notice lists cement mix, a crate of Cuban cigars, party hats, and fourteen hundred Thompson submachine gun rounds... Oh, and chocolate birthday cake too!
It is hard not to poke fun at the conspicuous Family shipment, looks like somebody forgot to mask the cargo. Not to worry, their oversight is your invitation to the party. Sounds like a fun one too, hope they saved some of that cake!
- Become an uninvited Family Partier.
The Family have a bad habit of mixing business and leisure.
You should come up with some snappy one-liners to drop with your entrance. Somebody is going to have a very memorable birthday!
Mission Objective
- Crash Family party spot

The Family uses this area right in the shadow of Terra Volta to conduct various parties, and the occasional hit on one of their own. They've also been searching for secret entrances into the reactor, though so far they have been unsuccessful.
You notice some notes scrawled to the side of this manifest:
"Don't like the Bell-Wave Bridge, weird statue gives me the heebie-jeebies. I know I'm being stupid and superstitious but take the goods the long way around with the trucks and just avoid the bridge. Obviously, we'll compensate you for the hassle, thanks."
Well, whatever these goods were supposed to be, it will be an ordeal to track them now. You recall the Bell-Wave Bridge was the one by the exit to sea near the northeast corner. If this statue is weird enough to be giving criminals pause, maybe it is worth taking a look.
- See the Bell-Wave Connector.
There seems to be a trend in this city with weird statues. It is a relief that none of them have come to life and tried to crush you yet...
Hopefully the universe doesn't take that as a challenge; fighting a giant construct sounds exhausting.
Mission Objective
- Check out bridge and its 'weird' statue

The Bell-Wave is the twin of the nearly destroyed Valor Bridge. Cynics say that the statue of the heroine at the end was built to inspire the bridge to be named after her, but the trend never took off.
You notice a Freedom Corps logo on this beat-up looking manifest, red marker was liberally is covered in graffiti. It appears to be something going to Longbow, or at least, it was:
"sUCks 2 SUUuCk, d00d wE st0Le ur cRap, y0ink. giT pWNed 0n y@ duMb cANdy caNE-L00kiNg d0rKs, QQm0ar L8r"
Well, that is certainly a bummer. The Freakshow don't even have much of a presence in Independence Port, so to have a shipment hijacked by them is pretty bad luck... You can at least make out the address it was headed to, might as well let them know their shipment was stolen.
- Notify the Unlucky Freedom Corps base.
This manifest must have been through the wringer... There appears to be a coffee stain on it, several tears, and somebody blew their nose into it. Yuck.
It is a small miracle it even survived long enough for you to find it. All the same, you suppose they will appreciate the effort you put in.
Mission Objective
- Deliver news of shipment theft

Every member of Freedom Corps who works in this base is considered unlucky. The base is out-of-the-way from everything in Paragon City and has a long daily commute. Arachnos occasionally tries to spy on this base, but even they can't be bothered to come out this far from everything.