Striga's Sentinels

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The Striga's Sentinels are a group of Heroes in John Houston's arc for Rogues. Depending on choices the players make, they can be fought, or assist as NPC allies.

Hero types

Elite Bosses

Dr. Todd

Main Article: Dr. Roberta Todd

Dr. Todd has been wrapped up in Council antics before, once kidnapped under Arakhn's orders to attempt rebuilding a Nictus doomsday device capable of eliminating all Kheldians. She never got the project off the ground, thankfully, and now uses her talents to compliment Ravenstorm in defending Striga Isle.


PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Power Blast Ranged, High DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of power bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.

PowerBlast EnergyTorrent.png Energy Torrent Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
Energy Torrent unleashes a cone of powerful energy that can smash foes and possibly send them flying.

KineticAttack QuickStrike.png Quick Strike Melee, Light DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe -DMG, Chance for Knockdown
A quick attack that sometimes knock foes down. Fast, but low damage.

KineticAttack BodyBlow.png Body Blow Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe -DMG, Disorient
A much more powerful, yet slower version of Quick Strike. Body Blow is capable of stunning an opponent occasionally.

KineticAttack PowerSiphon.png Power Siphon Self +ToHit, +DMG(Special)
Power Siphon adds a small bonus to hit and modifies your other Kinetic Attack powers, so they are now capable of draining the strength of your enemies and adding that strength to you. This effect will stack up to 5 times.

KineticAttack RepulsingTorrent.png Repulsing Torrent Ranged (Cone), Light DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe Knockback
Repulsing Torrent unleashes a cone of powerful energy that can smash foes and possibly send them flying.

KineticAttack FocusedBurst.png Focused Burst Ranged, High DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe -DMG, Knockdown
Projects a burst of focused power over a short distance. Focused Burst deals high damage and can possibly knock down your foe.

IcyOnslaught IcePatch.png Ice Patch Location (PBAoE), Foe Knockdown, -Jump, -Speed
You emanate a Patch of Ice around you. Foes that step onto the Ice Patch will slip and fall down. This effect lasts until the ice melts. You must be near the ground to activate this power.

IcyOnslaught IceSword.png Ice Sword Melee, Moderate DMG(Cold/Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
You create a blade of solid ice that deals good damage. Being hit by this Ice Sword will Slow a target's movement and attack speed, due to the intense chill.

KineticBoost SpeedBoost.png Speed Boost Ranged, Ally +Speed, +Recharge, +Recovery, Resist(Slow)
You can hasten a single targeted ally. The target's movement speed, attack rate, and Endurance recovery are all greatly increased and the target gains resistance to Slow effects. You cannot use this power on yourself.

KineticBoost KineticTransfer.png Fulcrum Shift Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -DMG, Team +DMG
Fulcrum Shift drains the power of a targeted foe and all foes nearby, transferring it to all adjacent allies, the caster, and those near the caster. Affected foes will deal less damage, while your affected allies will deal more. The more foes that are affected, the more power your allies receive. Fulcrum Shift can dramatically turn the tide of a melee battle.


Main Article: Ravenstorm

Ravenstorm keeps a low profile, but he has elected himself as the vigilante protector of Striga Isle and often finds himself caught up in conspiracy and intrigue on the island. If he's here, then there's a good chance some serious shenanigans are afoot that he's attempting to stymie.


MartialArts CobraStrike.png Cobra Strike Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient, Chance for Critical Hit
Using intense martial arts focus, you can perform a Cobra Strike that deals minor damage, but has a great chance of Disorienting your target.

MartialArts CraneKick.png Crane Kick Melee, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback, Chance for Critical Hit
You can perform a slow, high damage kick that will likely knock your target back.

MartialArts CripplingHookKick.png Crippling Axe Kick Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Immobilize, -Speed, -Fly, Chance for Critical Hit
You can perform a Crippling Axe Kick that deals minor smashing damage, but has a chance to Immobilize your target, as well as Slowing their run speed. Crippling Axe Kick may also knock some flying entities out of the sky.

MartialArts MonkeySweep.png Dragons Tail PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown, Chance for Critical Hit
This low spinning kick deals the same damage as Thunder Kick, but has a chance to hit all enemies in melee range. Successful hits will trip and knock down your opponents.

MartialArts EaglesClaw.png Eagles Claw Melee, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient, Chance for Critical Hit
You can perform a devastating kick that can severely Disorient most opponents. Eagle's Claw has an exceptionally good critical hit capability, better than other Martial Arts attacks, that can sometimes deal double damage.

MartialArts FocusChi.png Focus Chi Self +DMG, +ToHit
Tapping into your inner Chi greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your Accuracy.

MartialArts StormKick.png Storm Kick Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash), Chance for Critical Hit
You can unleash a roundhouse kick that pummels your foe for moderate damage.

MartialArts ThunderKick.png Thunder Kick Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient, Chance for Critical Hit
You can perform a strong Thunder Kick that hits so hard it can Disorient your target.

DarkCast DarkBlast.png Dark Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -ToHit, Chance for Critical Hit
A long range blast of dark energy. Deals moderate Negative Energy damage and reduces the target's Accuracy. You must be level 44 and have Torrent or Petrifying Gaze before selecting this power.

DarknessMastery PetrifyingGaze.png Petrifying Gaze Ranged, Foe Hold
Petrifies a single targeted foe with a terrifying gaze. The victim is Held and defenseless.

DarkCast TenebrousTentacles.png Tenebrous Tentacles Ranged (Cone), Moderate DoT(Negative), Foe Immobilize, -ToHit, Chance for Critical Hit
You can create a cone shaped rift to the Netherworld that allows its native creatures to slip their oily Tentacles into our reality. These creatures will snare all foes within range, Immobilizing them while the Tentacles drain their life and reduce their Accuracy.

DarkCast Torrent.png Torrent Ranged (Cone), Minor DMG(Smash), Foe -ToHit, Knockback, Chance for Critical Hit
You summon a wave of mire that sweeps away foes within its arc. The attack deals minimal Smashing damage, but sends foes flying and reduces their Accuracy.

DarkArmor DarkRegeneration.png Dark Regeneration PBAoE, Minor DMG(Negative), Self Heal
You can tap the dark essence of the Netherworld to drain a small amount of life from all enemies nearby, thus healing yourself. The more foes affected, the more you will be healed.

DarkArmor OppressiveGloom.png Oppressive Gloom PBAoE, Foe Disorient, Self -HP
The Netherworld has many mutable properties, such as the Oppressive Gloom. This power allows you to use your own Hit Points to keep enemies near you Disoriented and unable to use any powers. Endurance cost for this is minimal, but the power can be dangerous to use.

DarkArmor CloakOfDarkness.png Cloak of Darkness Auto, Self Stealth, Def( All5% ), +Perception, Prot( Im 50 )
A shroud of Netherworld darkness envelops you, making you difficult to spot at a distance. You can be seen only at close range, or if you attack a target. Even if seen, the Cloak of Darkness grants you a bonus to Defense to all attacks attacks and some protection from Immobilization. This Netherworld Cloak also allows you to see things in a new light, allowing you to better see stealthy foes. Unlike some stealth powers, Cloak of Darkness has no movement penalty. Cloak of Darkness will not work with any other form of Concealment power such as Shadow Fall or Steamy Mist.

DarkArmor DarkEmbrace.png Dark Embrace Auto, Self Res( S30 L30 N20 T20 )
You tap into the energy of the Netherworld to protect yourself from damage. This Dark Embrace shrouds you and grants resistance to Lethal, Smashing, Negative Energy and Toxic damage.

DarkArmor DefractingCloud.png Murky Cloud Auto, Self Res( F30 C30 E20 N20 ), Resist(End Drain)
You create a Murky Cloud enshrouding you. This cloud can absorb all forms of energy, making you more resistant to Fire, Cold, Energy, and Negative Energy attacks, as well as Endurance Drain effects.

DarkArmor ObsidianShield.png Obsidian Shield Auto, Self Res( P50 ), Prot( Ho 50 St 50 Sl 50 Fr 50 )
You can create a special Obsidian Shield that grants good resistance to Psionic damage. With your mind enshrouded in darkness you are protected from Sleep, Fear, Hold and Disorient attacks.

Jump CombatJump.png Super Leap Auto, Self +Jump, +Speed, Prot( Im 3.0 )
Ravenstorm can inherently jump real high and travel very fast.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Resistance
Hero resistance.