Talk:Entrepreneur Badge

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Time Requirements

I wanted to nail down the time required for coupon reward so I spent about a month leaving characters logged out for varying amounts of time and tracking the times. I determined that the coupons are rewarded after about 16.8 hours of being logged off. I rounded this off to 17 hours for reporting on the page.

My tracked times weren't 100% accurate, because I recorded the time from login to login, rather than from logoff to login, but in most cases the character wasn't logged in for more than 10-20 seconds so the times should be accurate to within about 20 seconds. This margin of error seemed reasonable.

Here are the results from within about 30 seconds before and after the time when I think the coupons are rewarded.

Elapsed Time (hr) Coupons Awarded Total Seconds Elapsed Seconds
16.795 0 60462 0
16.7961 0 60466 4
16.7994 0 60478 16
16.8 0 60480 18
16.8025 1 60489 27
16.8028 0 60490 28
16.8033 0 60492 30
16.8039 1 60494 32
16.8042 1 60495 33
16.8061 1 60502 40
16.8069 1 60505 43
16.8081 1 60509 47
16.8089 1 60512 50