Talk:List of Slash Commands
Going Rogue Revisions
Although I've normally only updated the list on the official forums, I plan to start revising this list when Going Rogue beta starts, and have something published after the open beta launch. - Obsidius 16:27, 23 October 2009 (UTC)
Missing Commands
Here's the commands still not on the list that are on the /CmdList. Note that the help commands have changed. I believe that /helpwindow is the new command to bring up the help window and all the others are for the help channel. User:StarGeek/sig 23:19, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
playernotelocal Opens note window for a given local playername. (requires a valid name) helpwindow Show help window emailsend Send message <player names> <subject> <body> <influence> emailsendattachment Send message <player names> <subject> <body> <influence> lfg_request_event_list Request LFG system event list lfg_queue_for_events Queue for events in LFG system lfg_remove_from_queue Remove me or my team / league from LFG queue lfg_event_response Accept / reject offer to join event arena_score Open the arena score window if you are in an Arena match. Does nothing if you aren't in an Arena match. get_global_silent Gets the global name without reporting results to chat window gmail_claim Claim Attachments on a Global Email gmail_return Claim Attachments on a Global Email clearAttributeView Clear the attribute target get_rated_arena_stats Get your arena stats. get_all_arena_stats Get your arena stats. account_certification_claim claims certification account_certification_refund refunds the price of certification to player account_certification_delete hides certification from player account_certification_test Set point at which a certification command will fail (1-8). sethelperstatus Sets your helper status. 0 = off, 1 = help me!, 2 = mentor league_chat Send message to league channel. league Send message to league channel. lc Send message to league channel. h Help/guide chat channel help Help/guide chat channel hc Help/guide chat channel helpchat Help/guide chat channel guide Help/guide chat channel levelingpact Invite player to join your leveling pact. teamMoveToLeague Create a new league. tmtl Create a new league. league_invite Invite player to join league. li Invite player to join league. leaveLeague Leave your current team and league. leagueWithdrawTeam Withdraw your team from current league. leagueToggleTeamLock Lock your team from league swap league_kick Kick player from league. lk Kick player from league. league_make_leader Change the team leader. lml Change the team leader. league_teamswap Swap the teams of 2 players league_teammove Move selected player to selected team
Massive Update - Phase 1 Complete - Slash Command Additions
Added 212 slash commands to this page, approximately 42% more slash commands in this wiki than it had before June of 2022, for a grand total of 710 slash commands!
About half of the new commands came from @Shenanigunner's excellent COH Technical Reference Guide His dedication to the game is astounding, and his years long practice of taking and saving notes on game mechanics is extremely commendable.
Several other slash commands were found on varying websites, however the bulk of the new commands were extracted from a collection of game configuration files that I stumbled across here These files are from the game as it was just before City of Heroes officially shutdown in November 2012.
Only the user level "0" commands were added to this wiki page. The Devs assigned varying levels of access authorization to the commands in the game, giving different groups of people access to using the commands. The scheme they used was as follows:
- Command Authorization levels. 0 is the lowest and does not require any special permissions to use. 1-4 are various levels of GM commands, 9 are Admin commands, and 10 are system commands.
0 - User commands 1 - View only CSR commands (cannot modify a player, except to move their position) 2 - Gets a few admin type commands ( kick, ban, silence, rename ) 3 - Can modify a player, run zone events 4 - Can give rewards to players 9 - Debug level commands, only NCsoft personel should use 10 - Internal commands, issued by the mapserver
I have noticed that a few GM, Admin, and System commands have made their way to this wiki page over the years. Of course, they don't work for players and appear non-functional. In addition, I've noticed players have access to a few level 1 GM commands on Homecoming (maybe they always had access to them?). I intend to look over and test the level 1 commands to determine if any are usable by players. However, that will have to wait until Phase 2 is complete.
PHASE 2 - Test and Determine Function and Procedures for Slash Commands
Phase 2 will attempt to answer these questions:
- Does the command work?
- What is the command used for?
- What are the procedures or steps for using the command?
- What additional resources are necessary for players to easily use the command?
Phase 2 has technically already begun. I have been testing slash commands as I've discovered them. Also, I have been updating command descriptions at the wiki as I ran across them or needed them. Many were plain wrong and inaccurate. Some commands thought dead were in fact alive, but no one had figured out how to use them.
The biggest hinderance to figuring out commands has been the lack of access to the game's database. Things like Map IDs, Recipe IDs, Enhancement IDs, Power IDs, Email IDs, etc. Without those, many user level 0 commands are simply not usable.
I've added 2 categories of commands, "Non-Functional Commands" and "Commands with Unknown Functionality", to the List of Slash Commands page, and have removed the "Obsolete Commands" section. A new page for Obsolete Commands was created and this data was copied to retain it. I am completely uninterested in updating or maintaining a HISTORICAL list of obsolete commands, just FYI. It is important to maintain a list non-functional commands or commands that no one knows how to use because other people might be able to come along and figure them out. In addition, when players discover commands, they'll be able to check them against the known commands list and find out what they have. As such, it may be useful to list ALL the commands in the game (user, GM, admin, and system) at the wiki at some future date.
Technical commands having primarily to do with graphics are not my forte. I could use help figuring out these ones. When I test it, if I saw the command did something, I added it to the working commands list... however I'm not really sure it's doing what it's supposed to be doing. Were the shaders actually changed? Did the ANSIO whatchamacallit do something useful? I have no idea. Most of these new technical commands I'm putting in the unknown commands section.
And that's about it for Phase 2. I'm starting with the "A"'s and will be working my way down... :) -- BlackSpectre 22:30, 20 July 2022 (UTC)
Phase 2 Completed
Phase 2 was completed on July 31, 2022. All slash commands on the "Working" list have been vetted and tested, except of course the various graphics/technical commands. Those I'll leave to someone else. Several commands were moved to the "Non-Functional" and "Unknown Functionality" lists. All working slash command pages have been updated, and mostly standardized. Done. :)
This is a wiki, so fee free to edit or add to these slash command pages. There are probably a few mistakes, or maybe better ways to say something or explain it. Maybe a command that is listed as working has been made dead and it needs to be moved to the "Non-functional" section... feel free to edit the pages. Frankly, the wiki needs your help.
There are a lot of commands colored red in the Non-functional and Unknown sections. All this means is that they don't have individual pages. Unless they were previously in the working section and already had a page, or there was something very interesting about the command that was worthwhile to explain, I just left them red. In my view, a command that doesn't work doesn't need a page to explain that it doesn't work, but feel free to change that if you like and create individual pages for those unknown and non-functional commands. -- BlackSpectre 02:52, 13 August 2022 (UTC)
No New Access Level 1 Commands Available to Players 9/17/22
Checked all the access level 1 commands and the few that are available to players are duplicated as access level 0 commands, and are already in the List of Slash Commands. No additional access level 1 commands are available to players. -- BlackSpectre 04:39, 18 September 2022 (UTC)
Graphics Commands Now Vetted.
I broke down and looked over the various graphics commands. Moved a bunch to the Non-functional and Unknown Functionality lists. Moved several from those lists to the Working Commands list, and vetted all of them. Tested commands and wrote up descriptions. I can't tell you how many times I've had to reset my graphics settings because I mucked things up! LOL There's still a few commands that I have no idea about, and I put most of those in the Unknown Functionality list. I am not a computer graphics expert and only barely know what I am doing, so it's possible I've made some mistakes and placed commands in a list they shouldn't be in. Feel free to correct any mistakes you find.
Unfortunately, not every graphics setting has a corresponding slash command, but there is still a surprising number of working graphics commands... about 46 if you don't count the UI commands. -- BlackSpectre (talk) 06:51, 6 June 2023 (UTC)
Formatting for Individual Slash Command Pages
I'm not sure this is the right place to put this, but I figure it needs to written down somewhere. Notice that each section is separated by 2 blank lines.
The format for each of the slash command pages is as follows:
__NOTOC__ (removes the table of contents from the page. If the page needs the TOC, merely delete this.) == Slash Command == {{SlashCommandArticle|command= |options= |note= }} (template) * (bulleted notes about the command including descriptions of the command's options/arguments) * * == Command Line Parameters == (optional) The command can be made more or less permanent by running it automatically at log-in as a [[Command Line Parameters|Command Line Parameter]]. For example, <code>-maxfps 100</code> == Example == (provides an example of the command's syntax when used. Place in a shaded box by placing a blank space in front of the example) /example 80 == See Also == (this section lists links for related slash commands, kind of like a mini navbox, and important related articles in a bulleted form. Each line begins with an asterisk) * * * {{navbox}} (include related navboxes) [[category:Slash Commands]] (include the Slash Commands and any other appropriate categories)
BlackSpectre (talk) 20:32, 29 February 2024 (UTC)