Talk:Lorenz Ansaldo

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Missing Information

It seems that in my excitement over getting the Strikebreaker Badge, I forgot to record Lorenz's debriefing for that mission. If someone else has him as a contact and could record it, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, I'll pick it up when I run my next character through. --TonyV

NPC Dialog Change to "Take out Freakshow doctor"

Could someone verify a change that was recently made to the Take out Freakshow doctor mission? Seems a bit odd that the Freakshow mob would ask where all the Freaks came from. (The two lines of dialog were previously switched around.) --Eabrace 03:49, 6 October 2008 (UTC)

Ambushes with Sea Witch

The first time I entered the mission to defeat Sea Witch, there were 3 ambushes shortly after the cut scene. When I reset the mission to get a screen shot, I could not get the ambushes to spawn again. Same thing when I reset it again. So I have no idea what the actual ambush trigger is. If anyone could verify it, that would be great. Sharei 07:45, 16 April 2009 (UTC)