Talk:The Underground Trial
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So... spoiler dialogue. Click on far right to show it. :3
Spoilers ahoy, don't complain about it, "show" → → → [show]
- [NPC] Desdemona: Statesman's sent me to make sure we get what we need from Vanessa. Try to keep up, OK?
- [Caption] Statesman says: 'The reason you are being sent here is to meet with the Praetorian Vanessa DeVore, a Resistance leader, to bring back a secret so dangerous that Tyrant has eliminated anyone who discovers it.'
- [Caption] We must learn this secret before he catches her as well. To that end, I have asked Desdemona to accompany you.
- [Caption] In the event that DeVore attempts any mental shenanigans, my newest protege's wards will protect you from mental control.
- [Caption] Vanessa says: 'It seems I have decided to hand over the information just in time. Tyrant has sent the IDF to hunt me down and silence my voice.'
- [Caption] I only hope you can get to me first. I am a level or so below you, but I need to keep moving to stay ahead of the IDF.
- [Caption] Desdemona says: 'The psychic link with Vanessa isn't strong enough for me to pinpoint where she is in this maze of tunnels. I'm going to need to perform some rituals to strengthen the link before we go any further.'
- [Caption] I'll be unable to defend myself while I'm performing the rituals, so you're going to have to keep me alive.
- [Caption] Desdemona says: 'OK. I've got a better sense of where we need to go, but I'm not quite sure which of the exits we need to take.'
- [Caption] One more ritual ought to do it. I'll need you to stand guard one more time. Now that the IDF know we're here, I'm sure they'll be coming back!
- [Caption] Desdemona says: 'That did it. We have to go through the door to our south. That'll take us into the subway tunnels that'll lead us to Vanessa. Let's go!'
- [Caption] Prometheus says: 'So, Statesman has finally seen fit to get involved in this conflict has he? You should ask yourself what his motivations are? Why has he remained on the sidelines?'
- [Caption] I have no trust for Statesman. He fears his power, fears becoming like the Emperor. Rather than doing anything about it, he spends his time hiding.
- [Caption] Unlike him, you are choosing to learn how to wield your power. You are choosing your path.
- [Caption] You would be wise not to trust him or put your confidence in him... and to keep a close eye on his pet, Desdemona.
- [Caption] Vanessa says: 'The IDF have forced me deeper into the tunnels, but these don't look like ordinary tunnels. There's something growing on them.'
- [Caption] I thought I overheard one of the IDF mention that the Devouring Earth are here. If this is the case, I'm going to have a much harder time getting out of here without your help.
- [Caption] Hopefully, the IDF and the Devouring Earth will be more focused on fighting each other than dealing with us, but you should be cautious!
- [Caption] Desdemona says: 'What is going on?! It's as though all my powers are drained!'
- [Caption] This must be how they caught Vanessa! Quickly! I need you to break me free of this prison before it drains all of my strength away!
- [Caption] Desdemona says: 'That was cutting it pretty close. Whatever is going on down here, it looks like both the IDF and the Devouring Earth don't want us to find out!'
- [Caption] Vanessa says: 'I... I have no words. The walls, they are alive. I seem to have stumbled into an infestation of the Devouring Earth, here in the tunnels. They... they are battling with Tyrant's men, so I have some cover to move on.'
- [Caption] I will keep moving... I cannot allow either the Devouring Earth or the IDF to find me!
- [Caption] Vanessa says: 'No! They've found me. Please, you must hurry!'
- [Caption] Vanessa says: 'Where are you? The Devouring Earth... I'm cornered.... What... what is that!? No!'
- [Caption] Vanessa says: 'Hurry! This... monster! I... I don't think I can hold it off much longer!'
- [Caption] Desdemona says: 'The spores in the air here are exceptionally toxic. We're going to need to move quickly through here, or the effects will eventually overwhelm us!'
- [Caption] Vanessa's Spirit says: 'It is done. The terrible beast has vanquished me. Your only hope now is to recover my mask. Within it is my consciousness. Recover it and the secret will be revealed. Do not let my death be in vain!'
- [NPC] Desdemona: Vanessa is close. I can feel the remnants of her essence in this room.
- [Caption] There! But the mask! Where is the mask?
- [Caption] We have to find it, or all of this will have been for nothing. It must be close to her body!
- [Caption] Wait... what was that? I... I don't think we're alone in here!
- [NPC] Desdemona: The wall! It's moving! What... what is that monstrosity!?
- [Caption] Looks like we're going to have to get that mask the hard way! You want a fight, beast, you got one!
- [Caption] All right. Enough of this. We need to find that mask and get out of here before something else happens!
- [Caption] I can feel a great power emanating from this mask. It is as though it is alive!
- [Caption] The mask... it... it is sharing Vanessa's knowledge with me... the secret for which she died!
- [Caption] That... creature we just defeated was an emissary of the Hamidon. It watched Emperor Cole to ensure a promise was kept.
- [Caption] The truth is, the Emperor never truly defeated the Hamidon. He negotiated a truce; a chance to prove humanity's worth.
- [Caption] Contact with Primal Earth upset the Emperor's plan. His salvation of humanity would be undone, unless he controlled Primal Earth as well.
- [Caption] But the prolonged war rekindled the Hamidon's hatred of humankind, and it is finishing what it began.
- [NPC] Desdemona: The truce is broken. The Hamidon is coming and nothing can dissuade it from devouring all humanity.
Sera404 23:18, 20 September 2011 (UTC)