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If you have unlocked the contact that gives this trial (or any trial), can you run it repeatedly, as you can for a task force? --Colonel Jasmine 04:36, 2 May 2007 (EDT)

The Sewer trial can be re-run if you are in the appropriate level range. The cavern Trial can be run a trule unlimited amount of times. My wifes Ill troller has run it several dozen times for teams (she has invis/recall).


Hamidon DOES count as a trial for reward (read: Recipe) purposes, but it doesn't seem to meet any of the other requirements - you don't get autoexemplared, you don't start it via a contact etc. I think we should make a bit more of a note about it, but can't think of the best way to put it... -- Kalon 19:17, 13 August 2007 (EDT)


The Cavern Trial awards a mission complete recipe automatically, no choice table. Ran it on 3/26/08 and verified this by the drops.--Alessar 16:00, 28 March 2008 (UTC)

Hero-side, only the 3 respec trials (and Hami) offer rewards from the respec pool. The Sewer trial awards from the Task Force pool (personally verified) and I have seen it stated on the official boards that the Eden trial also does this. So I'm going to rephrase the rewards paragraph slightly and update the table.--Alessar 16:00, 28 March 2008 (UTC)


I think that Raids should be separated onto its own page. Hamidon raids share similar rewards, but most of the similarities between trials and raids end there IMHO. Archabaddon 23:10, 3 June 2008 (UTC)