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[edit] [purge] Documentation


{{bu}} is a shorthand notation to make the required first parameter text emphasized with both big and underlined. It is most useful when defining an acronym.

An optional second parameter text can be included for non-emphasized text, which can make text entry simpler.

Bu stands for Big Underlined.


{{ bu | letter(s) to emphasize }} optional letter(s) to not emphasize
{{ bu | letter(s) to emphasize | optional letter(s) to not emphasize }}
Note that case is preserved and not automatically converted to uppercase.


Code Result
Single parameter, single letter
{{bu|G}}enetic {{bu|I}}nvestigation and {{bu|F}}acilitation {{bu|T}}eam
Genetic Investigation and Facilitation Team
Single parameter, multiple letters
{{bu|QuI}}ck {{bu|BrO}}wn {{bu|F}}ox.
QuIck BrOwn Fox.
Optional second parameter, multiple letters
{{bu|QuI|ck}} {{bu|BrO|wn}} {{bu|F|ox}}.
QuIck BrOwn Fox.

  • This template is a self-reference and so is part of the Homecoming Wiki project rather than the content itself.